Add an Image to a Report Section

When presenting a report, you may want the report to include images, such as a logo, to enhance the report’s appearance or to customize it for your audience.

You can add images you have created in the Images explorer to the Page Header, Report Header, Report Footer, and Page Footer sections. Images can act as backgrounds or header images in these sections. You can also use images as links to open URLs that you specify. See Images Explorer.

  1. Click Analytics on the navigation pane.
  2. Double-click Reports Explorer.
  3. Right-click the report you want to add the image to and select Edit.
  4. Click the Insert tab on the report designer’s ribbon.
  5. Click Image to open the list of images available in the Images explorer.
  6. Click the image you want to add.
    The images list closes.
  7. Hover over the report section where you want to add the image.
    The image name displays when the cursor is over a section that can accept an image.
  8. Click to place the image in the report section you select.
  9. To move an image you have added to a report section, drag the image to the position where you want to place it in the section.
    Note: To move an image from one report section to another, both sections must have Automatic layout enabled. See Enable Automatic Layout of a Report Section.
  10. To resize an image you have added to a report section, click the image to activate it, and then drag one of the handles displayed on the image’s borders. The image is resized as you drag the handle.
  11. To define how the image should move in relation to the report section’s border, you can specify an anchor style for the image. See Specify an Anchor Style for an Image.