Use a Filter or Variable in the URL Field

You can associate a filter or variable you create in a report to open a different web page depending on the value selected for the filter or variable.

When you view a report and click an image that's configured as a link, the web page the URL points to opens on the workstation’s default browser.
  1. Click Analytics on the navigation pane.
  2. Double-click Reports Explorer.
  3. Right-click the report you want to add the image to and select Edit.
  4. Add an image to the report.
  5. Create the filter or variable you will use to populate the image’s URL field.
    For example, you could create a variable named $webpages with a User Defined List type and add menu values such as and See Overview of Report Filters or Variables.
  6. Right-click the image on the report designer and select Edit Image Field. The Edit Image Field window opens.
  7. Enter the name of the filter or variable you created in the URL field. Surround the name in curly brackets.
    For example, if the variable’s name is $webpages, enter {$webpages} in the URL field. (Filter names do not begin with the dollar sign.)
  8. Click OK.
  9. Click Save.

What to do next

After you open the report, click the report’s Search button and enter the URL you want in the filter or variable you created. When you click the image, the web page you selected opens in your workstation’s default browser.