Associate a URL with an Image

You can associate URLs with images to use the images as links.

When you view a report and click an image that's configured as a link, the web page the URL points to opens on the workstation’s default browser.
  1. Click Analytics on the navigation pane.
  2. Double-click Reports Explorer.
  3. Right-click the report you want to add the image to and select Edit.
  4. Add an image to the report. See Add an Image to a Report Section.
  5. Right-click the image and select Edit Image Field.
    The Edit Image Field window opens.
  6. Enter the URL you want the image to link to in the URL field.
  7. Click OK to close the window.
  8. Click Save.


When you run the report and click the image, the web page the image links to opens in a web browser.