Add a Second Output Level to a Report

Now we will add a second output level to the report that you can drill down into to view details about the incidents in the queues.

For an overview of output levels, see Overview of Report Output Levels. Alternatively, if you already have a report that returns the information you want to see in the drill-down level, you can link the reports together instead of adding another output level. See Overview of Linked Reports.
  1. Click the Level tab and then click Add Drilldown.

    You can enter a different name for the new output level in the Name field, add notes about the level in the Description field, and change other options that are described in Overview of Report Output Levels.

    As you review the options in the Drilldown Settings area of the window, notice that the drill-down filter is automatically set to incidents.queue_id. When you use the report and click a drill-down link on the first level of the report, the second output level knows to display only information related to the queue in the row you clicked. For more complex reports, the drill-down filter can be changed, but it's not necessary to do so here.

    The link you click when using the report is also automatically set to incidents.queue_id. However, for our sample report, we will make the incident count column the link we click to drill down.

    The Level Settings window opens, displaying information about the new output level.
  2. Click the Link drop-down list and select count(incidents.i_id).
  3. Click OK.
    Tip: If your report has multiple output levels, you can click the Level drop-down list at the top of the design surface and select the level you want.


You can now drag fields from the data dictionary onto the design surface to add columns to the second level of the report. Since this output level is intended to display details about the incidents, you could add fields from the incidents table such as Reference #, Subject, Assigned Account, and Date Created. You can also add fields from the contacts table to view information about the contacts who submitted the incidents. See Add Output Columns to a Report.