Add or Edit a Distribution List

Distribution lists are email address lists that you can use when scheduling reports, configuring rule notifications, and forwarding incidents and opportunities. You can also use email address lists in the CC and BCC fields in incident responses.

Distribution lists are used to define sets of email addresses not associated with contact records or staff accounts in your knowledge base. For example, you might want to schedule an email report to be sent to a group of executives who do not have staff accounts in B2C Service. By adding their addresses to a distribution list, you can then include that list when defining subscribers to that report.

You can see all of the distribution lists your organization uses in the Distribution Lists report, found in Public Reports/Common/Site Administration/Communication Configuration.

The Distribution Lists editor consists of a list of available addresses. Addresses are included in the distribution list by selecting the check box next to the address in the list.

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Site Configuration, and then double-click Distribution Lists.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • To add a distribution list, click New on the ribbon.
    • To edit a distribution list, click it in the tree.
  4. Enter the distribution list name in the List Name field.
  5. To add an internal note about the distribution list, enter it in the Notes field.
  6. Enter field information.

    Distribution Lists Editor

    Field Description

    Distribution List Members

    This section contains the list of addresses available for the distribution list.

    Filter icon. Described in the text that follows.


    Enter filter text and click the drop-down menu to select a column to filter the address list. Filtering is available only when editing a list that has been saved.

    New button. Described in the text that follows.

    Click this button to add a new address to the address list.

    Import button. Described in the text that follows.

    Click this button to open the Import Email Addresses window and enter multiple email addresses that you want to add to the address list. You can also add first and last names for each address.

    Note: You can copy and paste a list of contact email addresses into the Email field, but each address must appear on its own line followed by a return.

    Select All

    Select this check box to include all available addresses in the distribution list, or select the check box next to an individual record to include the record in the distribution list.

    Delete button (red X). Described in the text that follows.

    Click this button to remove the selected member from the address list.

    Caution: Deleting the email address removes it from all distribution lists that it has been added to.

    Copy button. Described in the text that follows.

    Click this button to copy the selected address in the address list.


    Enter the email address.

    First Name

    Enter the first name associated with the email address.

    Last Name

    Enter the last name associated with the email address.


    Enter internal notes about the email address.

  7. To enter a different name for the distribution list based on interface, select the Label value next to the Language name in the Interface Label section and enter the name.
    This is helpful if your site has multiple interfaces of different languages. By default, the label is set to the list name you defined in step 4.
  8. To view the audit log, click the Audit Log button on the ribbon.
  9. Click Save.