Add or Edit an Outreach Mailbox

If you use Outreach or Feedback on your site, you also need to add an Outreach mailbox.

Note: To ensure accurate processing of replies, inbound messages, and bounces, Outreach mailboxes cannot be shared with either type of Service mailbox. Techmail handles messages in Oracle-managed Service mailboxes and general Service mailboxes differently from how it handles them in Outreach mailboxes. For this reason, you must set up one mailbox for Service and a separate mailbox for Outreach and Feedback.
  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Site Configuration, and then double-click Mailboxes. The Mailboxes tree displays on the content pane with the primary interface expanded to display any existing mailboxes.
    1. To add or edit Outreach mailboxes on additional interfaces, expand the additional interface for which you want to add or edit a mailbox.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Click New on the ribbon and select New Outreach Mailbox.

    • To edit a mailbox, select it in the tree.

    The outgoing email settings display on the editor.

  4. Enter field information described in the Mailboxes Editor table to enable mailbox functionality.
  5. To configure outgoing email for this mailbox, enter field information described in the Outgoing Email Settings table.
  6. To configure incoming email for this mailbox, click Incoming Email on the ribbon and enter field information described in the Incoming Email Settings table.
  7. To enter security settings, click Security on the ribbon and see Email Security Features.
  8. To view the mailbox configuration audit log, click Audit Log on the ribbon.
  9. Click Save.