Associate Answers and Text Explanations with Question Responses

For a guide to be valid, all questions in the guide must be associated with responses, and all responses must be associated with other questions or with one or more public answers or text explanations.

The following procedure explains how to associate answers and text explanations with responses. After a guide has been saved, you can click Create Answer on the ribbon to create an answer to associate with your guide.
  1. To associate an answer with a question response, select the response and click Associated Answer on the ribbon. The Add or Edit an Answer Node window opens.
    1. If you know the ID number of the answer you want, enter it in the Answer ID field and click Select.
    2. To search for an answer, enter search criteria in the fields, click Search, select the answer you want, and click Select. The window closes and the answer is associated with the response.
  2. To change an answer that has been associated with a response, double-click the answer on the guided assistance designer. The Add or Edit an Answer Node window opens.
    1. Select a different answer and click Select.
      Tip: When you edit a guide, you can view the answers associated with responses by right-clicking an answer and selecting View Answer.
      The answer in the guide is replaced with the new answer.
  3. To associate a text explanation with a question response, select the response and click Text Explanation on the ribbon.
    1. Enter the text you want for the explanation and press Enter. The explanation displays beneath the response.
  4. To change the text for an explanation already added to the guide, do one of the following:
    • Select the explanation, click Text on the ribbon, and enter the text you want.

    • Double-click the explanation and enter the text you want.

    1. Enter the text you want and click OK.
    If the text explanation exceeds 200 characters, the Edit Node Text window opens when you double-click the text explanation.
  5. Click Validate on the ribbon to verify that each question response is associated with a public answer or a text explanation. A message opens stating that the guide successfully validated or that it contains errors.
    1. Click OK.
      Note: Validation also occurs automatically when saving a guide. If validation errors occur when saving, you can click Continue on the Validation Results window to save without first correcting the errors. However, the guide will not function properly until all validation errors have been corrected. If problems exist with your guide, it is important to fix them before making the guide available to agents or customers.
  6. Click Save on the Quick Access toolbar.