Add Questions and Responses to a Guide

The questions you add to guides can be simple or complex.

If you think your agents may need additional context to better understand a question, you can add a web page or an image that will appear with the question text. See Add an Image Control to a Workspace or Script.

You can also save time by inserting the content from another guide into the guide you are creating. Inserting guides can save time if you have a number of common questions, responses, and answers that are used throughout a number of guides.
Tip: When editing a guide, you can press Ctrl+F to search for specific text on the content pane. This can be helpful for locating descriptions or answer IDs referenced within a guide.
  1. Select a question type button on the ribbon to add the first question to the new guide. For a description of the question types, see the Guided Assistance Designer Ribbon table in Create or Edit a Guide.
    After you add a question, the designer displays the question and its responses using default text. The question is added with the default text selected for editing.
  2. Double-click the text for the question.
    The Edit Question Properties window opens.
  3. Enter field information.

    Edit Question Properties Window

    Field Description

    Question Name

    Enter a question name to be used as the name of the parameter to be passed to a URL as defined in a Call URL node. This field is associated with the Question Name button on the ribbon.


    Enter the question to display in the guide. This section contains an HTML editor and toolbox to help create guides. The HTML editor and toolbox are similar to the editor and toolbox used for answers. See Adding HTML answers.

    When inserting an image from the toolbox, you must select a client workflow image and choose to display it either inline (in the body of the answer) or in a window. See Add an Image Control to a Workspace or Script.

    When inserting an inline web page from the toolbox, you must specify the URL address, width, and height.

    Agent Text

    Enter an internal note to further explain the logic in the question. This text will not display in guides and is available only to staff members. This field is associated with the Agent Text button on the ribbon.

    Question Responses

    Displays all question responses that are associated with the question being edited. Responses can be added, edited, and deleted. In addition, a display type can be set to change the format of the responses. This field is associated with the Response Value button on the ribbon.

    Name-Value Pairs

    Click this section header to display name-value pairs that are associated with the question. Name-value pairs can be added and deleted and are used in Call URL nodes to pass parameters for integration purposes. See How You Pass Parameters Through Call URL Nodes.

  4. Click OK.
  5. To add responses to the question, click Response.
    The new response is added to the question.
  6. To edit a question response, double-click the response to open the Edit Response Properties window.
    1. Enter the text and value for the response.
    2. Click OK.
  7. To add another question to the guide, select one of the responses in a question you have added and click one of the question type buttons on the ribbon. The designer is updated to display the new question. When agents use the guide, they will see the new question when they choose the response the new question is branched from.
  8. Click Save on the Quick Access toolbar. The Save As window opens if you have not yet named the guide.
    Note: If problems exist with your guide, we recommend that you fix them before making the guide available to agents.
    1. Enter a name for the guide in the Name field.
    2. Click OK.