Create or Edit a Guide

The Guided Assistance explorer provides all the tools you need to manage the guides you create.

You can copy and delete guides and organize them in custom folders in the same way you work with items in any explorer. See Open the Reports Explorer.

Caution: If you attempt to delete a guide that is being used in another guide, a dependency warning will list each location where the guide is used and provide you with an option to cancel the deletion. If you choose to continue deleting the guide, all references to the guide will be invalidated and you will need to manually update each reference to either remove it or replace it with a valid guide.

To more easily see relationships between guided assistance questions and responses, view the data in a tree format. See Overview of Managing Reports on the Reports Explorer.

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Double-click Guided Assistance Explorer in the configuration list.
    The Guided Assistance explorer opens on the content pane.
  3. To create a new guide, do one of the following:
    • Click New on the Guided Assistance explorer ribbon. The guided assistance designer opens.

    • If your navigation set is configured to add guides from the application menu, click File and select Guided Assistance Guide.

    When creating a guide, you add questions to the guide, add text for the question responses, and associate answers or text explanations with each response. You can also insert existing guides into other guides if you have a set of common questions and answers you want to use in multiple guides.
  4. To edit an existing guide, right-click the guide in the list and select Open.
    The buttons on the designer ribbon give you access to all the tools you need to preview, validate, and edit a guide.

    Guided Assistance Designer Ribbon

    Group/Button Description
    Guide Actions and Properties

    The buttons in this group let you preview the guide you create, validate the guide to ensure it is complete, create answers to add to the guide, add a note to the guide, and select a language for the guide.


    Click this drop-down list and select Agent Preview or Web Preview.

    If you click on answers while testing a guide, hits will be recorded to the clickstreams table.

    Agent Preview

    Select this option to open a window displaying the guide as it will appear on the agent desktop.

    Web Preview

    Select this option to open a window displaying the guide as it will appear on the customer portal.


    Click this button to verify that all the question branches in the guide are associated with answers or text explanations.

    You can save a guide that cannot be validated, but we recommend that you correct all errors before using the guide.

    Create Answer

    Click this button to create a new answer associated with the guide. (That is, the guide is automatically selected in the Guided Assistance field on the answer.) When staff members search for guides, a search that matches the associated answer content will return the guide. See Guide Search Options and How You Add Answers for Multiple Interfaces.

    Audit Log

    Click this button to open the audit log for the guide, which shows you when the guide was created and edited, and by whom.


    Click this button to open a text window where you can enter notes for the guide. The notes can be used to explain the purpose of the guide or relay other information to agents using the guide.


    Click this button to select the language to use for the guide. Only languages deployed to your site are available.

    This button does not display if your site uses a single language.


    The buttons in this group let you add questions, responses, answers, text explanations, and other guides to the guide you are creating.

    Some of the options available in this group are also available when you right-click a question or response in the guide.

    Yes/No Question

    Click this button to add a question with two responses. The text in the responses reads Yes and No, but you can change the text as necessary.

    Button Question

    Click this button to add a question with responses shown on buttons.

    Menu Question

    Click this button to add a question with responses shown in a drop-down list.

    List Question

    Click this button to add a question with responses shown in a list.

    Radio Question

    Click this button to add a question with responses shown with options.

    Link Question

    Click this button to add a question with responses shown as links.

    To add links to other websites, you must right-click a response and select Call URL. After typing the URL, double-click it to open the Edit Call URL Properties window. Next to the Parameter Pass Method field, select Post and click OK.

    Text Question

    Click this button to add a question with a response shown as a text box and an OK button.

    All text fields are automatically marked as required on the customer portal.

    Image Question

    Click this button to add a question with responses shown as clickable images. Using the Client Workflow Images explorer, you can add images to use in guides. When you open the explorer, you can manage images the same way you do in the Images explorer. See Images Explorer.


    Click this button to add an additional response to any of the questions you have added to the guide.

    Associated Answer

    Click this button to open a search window to search for or select an answer to associate with the selected response. Each response can be associated with multiple answers.

    Text Explanation

    Click this button to add a text explanation to the selected question response. Use text explanations when you do not have an answer to associate with the response and do not want to create an answer for the purpose.

    Fire Named Event

    Click this button to add a named event that will fire when the response is selected. See How Events are Used in Workspace and Script Rules.


    Click this button to associate another guide with the selected response in the guide you are creating. For example, you can create a smaller guide used for a number of purposes and then add it to a larger guide with a more specific purpose.

    Call URL

    Click this button to add an external URL that is called when the response is selected. You can right-click the Call URL node and select Edit to specify the URL and preview it in a browser. You can also select a parameter pass method (get or post) and view all name-value pairs that will be passed to the URL as parameters. See How You Pass Parameters Through Call URL Nodes.

    Tip: Following a Call URL node can be unsettling to customers if they do not expect to leave the guide. To avoid confusion, you can open the URL in a separate window by editing the answer details page on the customer portal. Otherwise, be sure that the text of the question or response containing each Call URL node indicates the action that will result when the option is selected.

    Call URL nodes support both absolute and relative URLs. For example, you can post the relative URL /app/ask to load your Ask a Question page.

    Node Properties and Actions

    The buttons in this group let you add text, images, and web pages to questions. You can also edit, delete, and export questions and all the items in the branches for each question.

    Some of the options available in this group are also available when you right-click a question or response in the guide.


    Click this button to edit the text for the selected question or response.

    Agent Text

    Click this button to add explanatory text to the selected question. The agent text displays beneath the question and is visible only to the staff members who is using the guide.

    Display Type

    Click this button to change the question type for the selected question. You can change the question type to Button, Menu, List, Radio, Link, Text, or Image.

    Question Name

    Click this button to add a name for the question, which is used to display the question in the designer and when passing the question as a parameter name to an external URL (Call URL node).

    Response Value

    Click this button to set the value for the response, which is used when passing the response as a parameter value to an external URL (Call URL node).


    Caution: When deleting a question or response, all the images, web pages, questions, and responses beneath the item will also be deleted.

    Click this button to delete the selected question or response.


    Click this button to open the Edit Question Properties window to change the properties of the selected question. You can also change the question properties from the ribbon.

    In addition, you can select an answer associated with a question response, and then click this button to open a search window to find a different answer to associate with the response.

    See Add Questions and Responses to a Guide.


    Click this button to open the Extract Guide window where you can copy the selected question branch to a new guide or to an XML file.