Close an Opportunity

Your ultimate goal with an opportunity is to close it, since an opportunity with a Closed status signifies an opportunity that has resulted in a sale.

  1. From the opportunity, click the Quotes tab.
  2. If a quote is associated with the opportunity, select the quote that resulted in a sale. If a quote is not associated with the opportunity, skip to step 4.
  3. Select Forecast under the Forecast column.
    The Rep Forecast field automatically updates to the value of the quote that was selected.
  4. Click the Status drop-down list and select Closed.
  5. Click the Stage drop-down list and select the appropriate stage.
  6. If necessary, edit the Rep Forecast field so that it displays the correct value.
  7. Click the Rep Commit field and select Yes.
  8. Click the Tasks tab and make sure the appropriate tasks are completed.
  9. Click the Details tab and complete the appropriate fields under Completion Data, Win/Loss Data, and Other Data. See Edit Details Tab Information.
  10. Click Save.
    Note: Upon changing the status from Active to Closed and saving the opportunity, the Date Closed field on the Details tab populates with the current date. The opportunity no longer appears in most of your reports unless you filter on the Closed status type when searching.