Conference Another Agent into Your Chat

Agent conferencing is another way Service helps you provide superior service to your customers.

Conferencing can be useful when you want to include another agent in your chat session to help you solve a customer’s problem.
  1. At any point during your chat session, click Conference.
    The Select Names window opens.
  2. When you see the agent you want to conference into the chat, select the agent’s name and click Request.
    The agent receives a toast notification to accept, view or decline the conference request.
    • If the agent clicks View, the chat transcript appears on both of your workspaces, the Compose section indicates In Conference Consultation, and a message area is highlighted in blue for private messaging. You and the agent can chat before the other agent accepts or declines the conference request. The customer cannot view messages sent in the blue private message area.
      This figure shows what the Compose section of the chat-session window looks like after you have conferences another agent into a chat and that agent has clicked View. The section indicates In Conference Consultation, and a message area is highlighted in blue for private messaging.
    • If the agent clicks Accept, the new agent is conferenced into the chat session. The chat transcript appears on both of your workspaces. After the conference starts, you and the customer are notified. Each person can send text and all those in the conference can see the message text and the name of the person who sent it. The Leave button is disabled on your ribbon because you initiated the conference. The agent you conferenced in must click Leave to exit the conference.
    • If the agent clicks Decline, the chat stays with you.