Create a Choice Question

Creating choice questions let you define the available responses for the question, allowing respondents to choose their answer from a menu, radio button, check box, or list. Choice questions may be scored and evaluated in Analytics.

  1. From the Questions explorer, click New.
    A new question opens on the content pane.
    Tip: You can also create questions from an open question by clicking the New button. Additionally, if your navigation set is configured to add questions from the file menu, click File > Surveys > Question. See Configure the File Menu.
  2. Enter the text of the question in the Question Text field. This will be the question you want the respondent to answer. For example, “Which of the following products did you purchase?”
  3. Select Choice from the Question Type drop-down list.
    Choice is the default question type.
  4. Click the Display As menu and select one of the following question display types:
    • Radio—The choices appear as options following the question. Respondents can select only one of the predefined choices to answer the question.
    • Checkbox—The choices appear as check boxes. Respondents can select as many check boxes as you define.
    • Menu—The choices appear in a drop-down list. Respondents click the drop-down list to select one of the predefined choices to answer the question. Menu is the default for Choice questions.
    • List—The choices appear in a list. Respondents can select as many list items as you define to answer the question.
    Note: The question display type affects which fields display in the Choices section.
  5. Enter field information.

    Choices Section

    Field Description
    Respondent Selections Select whether respondents are required to answer this question and set the minimum and maximum number of choices respondents can select.
    Respondent Must Answer This Question Select this check box to require respondents to answer the question. The survey cannot be submitted without answering the question.
    Minimum Type the minimum or maximum number of choices respondents must select in these fields or use the up and down arrows to select a number. The minimum number cannot be more than the maximum number.

    These fields display only for List and Checkbox choice types.

    Add Choice Click this button to add a choice to the choice list.
    Choices Panel The choices panel displays all choices defined for the question. You can drag and drop the choices to reorder the list.
    Choice Text Enter the text of the choice in this field.
    Score Enter the score for the choice in this field or use the up and down arrows to select a number. The score value is used to assign a relative weight to each choice based on the contact’s answers. Survey scores may be used as rule conditions or to trigger survey final actions. See Add an Action with the Survey Final Action Wizard.
    Is “Other” Choice Double-click this field and then click the drop-down list and select Yes to set the choice to “other.” This lets respondents enter an additional choice in the list.

    Only one choice can be set to “other” when the question is saved.

    Action This column displays actions that can be taken on choices.
    Edit Click this button to edit the choice in the choice list.
    Remove Click this button to remove the choice from the list.
    Up-arrow icon. Descriptive text follows.

    Down-arrow icon. Descriptive text follows.

    Click the up or down arrow to move the selected choice one position higher or lower in the list.
    Randomize Choices Select this check box to indicate whether the choices display to respondents in a random order. If the check box is not selected, the choices display in the order in which they are listed in the choice list.
    Number of Choices to Display Per Line Enter the number of choices to display per line in this field or use the up and down arrows to select a number.

    This field displays only for Radio and Checkbox choice types.

  6. Click Display Options on the ribbon to define HTML properties for the question and answer.
    The Display Options window opens.
  7. Enter field information.

    Choice Question Display Options

    Field Description
    Question Text Display Options Enter information in this section to define how the question text appears in the survey.

    Style and class must be defined in a CSS file that is available on your web server and linked to in the <head> tag of a survey template.

    HTML Style Enter any HTML style and class attributes you want to assign to the question text in these fields. Style and class attributes define how the text appears, such as color and font. For example, color: red; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic.
    HTML Class
    Answer Text Display Options Enter information in this section to define how the answer text appears in the survey. These attributes are applied to the listed choices for the question.

    Style and class must be defined in a CSS file that is available on your web server and linked to in the <head> tag of a survey template.

    HTML Style Enter any HTML style and class attributes you want to assign to the answer text in these fields. Style and class attributes define how the text appears, such as color and font. For example, color: red; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic.
    HTML Class
  8. Click OK.
  9. To preview the question before saving it, click Preview Question on the ribbon. The Question Preview window opens.
    1. Click OK.
  10. To spell check your question, click Spelling.
  11. Click Save.
    The Save As window opens where you can select the folder you want to save the question in and enter the name of the question in the Name field.
  12. Click Save.