Create a Text Question

Text questions let respondents enter their answer to the question.

You can create text questions when you want your respondents to be able to answer in their own words without having to choose from predefined options. For example, “Do you have any suggestions?” When you create a text question, you define only the question and the available space the respondent has to answer.

  1. From the Questions explorer, click New.
    A new question opens on the content pane.
    Tip: You can also create questions from an open question by clicking New. Additionally, if your navigation set is configured to add questions from the file menu, click File > Surveys > Question. See Configure the File Menu.
  2. Enter the text of the question in the Question Text field. This will be the question you want the respondent to answer. For example, “How can we improve our service?”
  3. Select Text from the Question Type drop-down menu.
  4. Enter field information.

    Text Question

    Field Description

    Respondent Must Answer This Question

    Select this check box to require the respondent to answer the question. The survey cannot be submitted without answering the question.

    Number of Characters the Respondent May Use to Answer

    Enter or use the arrows to select the number of characters the respondent can enter into the answer field. The maximum value is 4,000 characters, and the minimum value is 1 character. The default is 4,000 characters.

    Number of Lines to Display to the Respondent

    Enter or use the arrows to select the number of lines in the answer field. The maximum value is 30 lines, and the minimum value is 1 line. The default is 3 lines.

    Number of Columns to Display to the Respondent

    Enter or use the arrows to select the width of the answer field. The maximum value is 125 columns, and the minimum value is 1 column. The default is 40 columns.

    Display Real-Time Character Count

    Clear this check box to remove the real-time character count that displays to survey respondents when they enter a text response. This check box is selected by default.

  5. Click Display Options on the ribbon to define HTML properties for the question and answer.
    The Display Options window opens.
  6. Enter field information.

    Text Question Display Options

    Field Description

    Question Text Display Options

    Enter information in this section to define how the question text appears in the survey.

    Style and class must be defined in a CSS file that is available on your web server and linked to in the <head> tag of a survey template.

    HTML Style

    Enter any HTML style and class attributes you want to assign to the question text in these fields. Style and class attributes define how the text appears, such as color and font. For example, color: red; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic.

    HTML Class

    Answer Text Display Options

    Enter information in this section to define how the answer text appears in the survey.

    Style and class must be defined in a CSS file that is available on your web server and linked to in the <head> tag of a survey template.

    HTML Style

    Enter any HTML style and class attributes you want to assign to the answer text in these fields. Style and class attributes define how the text appears, such as color and font. For example, color: red; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic.

    HTML Class

    Counter Options

    Enter information in this section to define the appearance of the real-time character count that displays to respondents.

    Counter Default Color

    Click the color box to select a default color for the counter text or enter the HTML hexadecimal value of the color in the field to the right of the color box.

    Counter Warning Color

    Click the color box to select a warning color for the counter text or enter the HTML hexadecimal value of the color in the field to the right of the color box. The warning color is used when the number of characters in the answer field exceeds the maximum value allowed.

  7. Click OK.
  8. To preview the question before saving it, click Preview Question on the ribbon. The Question Preview window opens.
    1. Click OK.
  9. To spell check your question, click Spelling.
  10. Click Save.
    The Save As window opens where you can select the folder you want to save the question in and enter the name of the question in the Name field.
  11. Click Save.