Create a Rule that Triggers Actions on an Escalated Object

This procedure shows you how to create a rule that performs an action when the escalation level is applied to an incident, but the procedure is the same when applied to answers, opportunities, and tasks.

Before you start

Tip: We recommend creating a separate function where you can place escalation rules. This procedure assumes that the rules you create are placed in an escalation function.

Escalation rules always come in pairs. This procedure follows the creation of a rule that sets the escalation level for an incident that matches the rule conditions (see Create a Rule that Sets the Escalation Level). It tells the Dbstatus utility to set the escalation to the defined level when the time for escalation has passed. This procedure creates the next rule to specify what you want to happen after the incident reaches this escalation level.

Here's what to do

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Site Configuration, then double-click Rules.
  3. Click the button for the rule type you want to create. The incident rule base is selected by default.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Right-click the escalation function where you want to place the new rule, then select New Rule.
  6. Enter a name for the rule in the Rule Name field.
  7. Click Add IF Condition Based On and select Escalation Level equals <Escalation Level>.
    This is the name of the escalation level created in the rule that sets the escalation level.
  8. Click Add Action–Then to add the appropriate actions based on your business process.
    For example, the rule action could be to send an escalation email to the assigned staff member of the incident.
  9. Click Save.


You have now created a rule that sets the escalation level and a rule that specifies the actions to be taken when the escalation level is detected during rules processing. As you create additional rules to set escalation levels and perform actions, remember that only rules in the initial rule state initially process unless those rules transition to another state or call a function. For the rules engine to process the rules in the function you place your escalation rules in, you must have a rule that calls the escalation function.

To add more escalation levels and actions, repeat this process. After you have created your escalation rules, activate the rule base. See Compilation and Activation of Rule Bases.