Create a Text Snippet

You may want to create a text version of your snippet to insert in text documents. Text documents are used if certain customers can receive only plain text emails.

  1. From the Snippets explorer, click New.
    A new snippet opens on the content pane.
    Tip: You can also create a snippet from an open snippet by clicking New. Additionally, if your navigation set is configured to add snippets from the file menu, click File > Content Library > Snippet. See Configure the File Menu.
  2. Click Change in the Current Snippet Type section.
    The Snippet Type window opens on the content pane.
    Note: You can also change to a text snippet while creating an HTML snippet by clicking Switch to Text Mode in the Tasks section of the HTML editor.
  3. Select Text Snippet.
  4. Click OK.
    The snippet type changes to Text.
  5. To create a text snippet from scratch, click Begin with Blank Content.
    The text editor opens where you can define the plain-text version of your snippet. See How You Create and Edit Text-Only Messages.
  6. To create a text snippet by copying an existing snippet, click Copy Existing Snippet. The Choose Snippet window opens.
    1. Select the snippet you want to copy.
    2. Click OK to add the content to your snippet.
  7. To create a text snippet by converting an HTML page to text, click Upload HTML Content.
    1. Browse to the HTML file you want to convert and select it.
    2. Click Open to insert the converted HTML in the snippet.
  8. Click Save.