Create a New Answer Version from a Historical Version

You can create a new draft from a historical version of an answer. For example, you might want to revert some of the changes that have been made to the answer. You can also use this procedure to create a draft from another draft.

  1. Open the answer for which you want to create a new version.
  2. Click the Versions tab.
  3. Double-click the historical version.
    The historical version opens in the HTML editor, with - Historical appended to the title.
  4. Close the editor for the live version.
  5. Click Draft.
    The Create Draft window opens.
  6. Enter a note for the draft and click OK.
    The default note reads, Draft created from version id: historical_version_number.
    The new version opens in the HTML editor with - Draft appended to the title.
  7. Close the previous version of the answer.
  8. Edit the new version and click Save.
    Clicking the Versions tab shows that the original answer version is in the Historical state while the new version is in the Draft state.
  9. To publish the draft immediately, click Publish. The Publish Draft window opens.
    1. Enter a note about publishing the draft.
    2. Click OK.
      The default note reads, Publish draft with version Id: new_version_number.
      The draft is published. Clicking the Versions tab shows the original and previously live versions are now in the Historical state, while the new version is in the Live state.
  10. To publish the draft on a future date, click the Calendar icon next to the Publish On field.
    1. Select a publishing date from the calendar.
      If a draft is already set to publish, the Publish On window lists the draft version ID and the publish date.
    2. Click OK.
    3. Click Save.
      The draft is published on the specified date. Clicking the Versions tab shows the original answer version is still in the Historical state, while the new version is in the Draft state.