Create or Remove Links for Multiple Products Simultaneously

Create or remove category and disposition links for multiple products simultaneously.

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Service, and then double-click Products/Categories/Dispositions.
  3. On the Products/Categories/Dispositions editor, select the first product you want to link.
  4. Press Ctrl while selecting additional products.
  5. After selecting the last product, right-click and select Edit.
    The multi-edit window opens.
  6. To create or remove category links, click Category Links.
    Note: Although you can select top-level products on the editor, linking occurs only with leaf-level products. If you want to create links for all of a top-level product’s leaf products, you must select each of the leaf products separately instead of selecting only the top-level product. Because linking occurs only between leaf-level products, categories, and dispositions, the links you create while multi-editing do not apply to any top-level products you select, but only to the leaf-level products you select. However, after you have created links to leaf products, the parent product is implicitly linked.
    1. To link categories to the selected products, select the check boxes for each category you want to link in the Add Categories column.
    2. To remove category links from the selected products, select the check boxes for each category you want to remove the link from in the Remove Categories column.
    3. Click Save.
  7. To create or remove disposition links, click Disposition Links.
    1. To link dispositions to the selected products, select the check boxes for each disposition you want to link in the Add Dispositions column.
    2. To remove disposition links from the selected products, select the check boxes for each disposition you want to remove the link from in the Delete Dispositions column.
    3. Click Save.

What to do next

Now that you have created links, you must enable product linking for them to take effect. See Enable Product Linking.