Create Links for One Product at a Time

Create category and disposition links for one product at a time.

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Service, and then double-click Products/Categories/Dispositions.
  3. In the Products column, identify the product you want to link.
    • To view subproducts under a product, click the + sign next to a product to expand it.
    • To find a product, click Find and enter a search term in the Find window. The first product that matches your search term is highlighted in the tree. To continue searching, click Find Next.
    Note: Remember that you can link categories and dispositions only to products that are leaf products. If the product you select has subproducts, the Category Links and Disposition Links buttons are disabled on the product editor.
  4. Right-click the product you want to link and select Edit.
    The product editor opens.
  5. To create category links, click Category Links. The category tree displays on the content pane.
    1. Select the check boxes for each category you want to link to the product. If you select a category that has subcategories, all subcategories are linked to the product. If you select a subcategory, all levels of its parent category are implicitly linked.
    2. Click Save.
  6. To create disposition links, click Disposition Links. The disposition tree displays on the content pane.
    1. Select the check boxes for each disposition you want to link to the product. If you select a disposition that has subdispositions, all subdispositions are linked to the product. If you select a subdisposition, all levels of its parent disposition are implicitly linked.
    2. Click Save.

What to do next

Now that you have created links, you must enable product linking for them to take effect. See Enable Product Linking.