Find the Live Answer Version For a Specific Date

You can use the Answer Version Audit Search report to find which version of an answer was live on a specific date. This report can be especially useful in regulated industries.

Before you start

This procedure assumes that the Reports Explorer component has been added to the Analytics button of your navigation set. The Answer Version Audit Search report is found in Public Reports/Service/Search Reports - Service.
If you plan to audit answer versions, we recommend creating business rules to prevent answers from being deleted.

Here's what to do

  1. Click Analytics on the navigation pane, and then double-click Reports Explorer.
  2. Expand Public Reports > Service > Search Reports — Service, and then double-click Answer Version Audit Search.
    You can also add this report to the Answers button of your navigation set.
  3. In the Search window, enter the answer ID.
  4. Click the Calendar icon to enter a search date or timeframe.
    The Relative check box is selected by default with zero (0) months rounded for the date.
  5. To designate a specific date, clear the Relative check box.
  6. Click Search.
    The search result displays as shown in this example.

This image shows the Answer Version Audit Search results: version ID, state, summary, draft date and note, publish date and note, and unpublish date.

What to do next

You can open the version in the search results of the report.