Import a Script

This topic describes how to import a script using the script import wizard.

An imported script becomes its own unique copy and can be modified without impacting the original. When you are ready to import the script, the script import wizard guides you through the import process.
  1. From the Scripts explorer, click New.
    The New Script window opens.
  2. Click Import Script from an Exported Script File to open the Import Script wizard.
  3. Click Next.
    The next window asks you for the name of the script definition file you want to import.
  4. Do one of the following :
    • Enter the full path of the script definition file.
    • Click Browse to find the script definition file on your workstation and click Open.
  5. Click Next to select the script type.
  6. Click the Map To Type drop-down menu and select a record type to map the workspace to. By default, the imported script is mapped to the same script type as the original script.
    Note: If items from the script you are importing are not used in the script type you are converting it to, the next window lists these items and informs you that they will be replaced by spacers, field placeholders, or removed from the imported script. Since most database fields and script controls are not shared by script types, the majority of fields and controls will generally not be included in the new script when you convert the type. However, this option is helpful if you want to import the general layout from a script with a different type.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Click Finish.
    The script designer opens with the imported script.
  9. Edit the script to remove or replace fields that are not available and then save the script. See Edit a Script.

What to do next

When you save a script, reports that are used in the script report controls are checked to ensure they exist on the site. If a report does not exist, a message is placed in the control stating the report is no longer available. You can save a script that has invalid reports, but you will need to select new reports for the controls before they can be used in the workspace.