Insert a Hyperlink

You can create a hyperlink in an answer that will link to a URL.

When customers view an answer on the customer portal that contains a hyperlink, they can click the link and be directed to either an internal or external URL.

  1. From an answer report, right-click the answer and select Open.
  2. Click the Link icon on the toolbar.
    The Link window opens.
  3. Enter field information.

    Link Window

    Field Description
    Link Info Select this tab to define your URL display and protocol options.
    Display Text Enter the text you want to display as the link in this field. If this field is left blank, the URL in the Link field displays to customers.
    Link Type Click this drop-down list to select the type of link.
    • URL—Adds a link to an external web page. This option is selected by default.

    • Link to anchor in the text—Adds a link to an answer. To enable this option, you must first add an anchor to the answer. See Insert an Anchor.

    • Email—Adds an email link to the answer content. Selecting this option lets you create a message that is addressed to the specified email account.

    • Phone—Lets you add a phone number to the answer content.

    Protocol Select a protocol. Options include the following:
    • http://

    • https://

    • ftp://

    • news://

    • <other>

    *URL Enter a valid URL for the page you want to link to. To verify that the URL you typed is accurate, click the View URL button (to the right of the Link field). A web browser opens to the URL you specified. If you enter an invalid URL, an error message opens.
    Caution: If the link is to a non-HTML page (for example, a file type), a security warning opens. Verify that the link is directed to a trusted source before you click the Yes button to continue.
    Target Click the Target tab to define target options.
    Target Click the Target tab and then click the Target drop-down list to select one of these options.
    • <Frame>—Enter the target frame name.

    • <Popup Window>—Enter the window name, select window features, and enter window size and position attributes.

    • New Window (_blank)—The URL opens in a new window.

    • Topmost Window (_top)—The URL opens in the top (focus) window.

    • Same Window (_self)—The URL opens in the same window.

    • Parent Window (_parent)—The URL opens in the same frameset.

    Advanced Click the Advanced tab to define options such as ID, language direction and code, and stylesheet usage.
  4. Click OK to insert the hyperlink at the cursor position.