Monitor a Chat Session

If you notice a chat duration that is unusually long, you can monitor the chat to see if there are any problems. By making sure chats flow through the system without interruption, you increase customer satisfaction.

When you monitor a chat session, the chat automatically opens on the Engagement tab. The look and feel of the Engagement tab is the same for both supervisors and agents.

Tip: When monitoring a chat, you might want to disable auto scrolling on the chat sessions workspace so the Transcript window does not automatically scroll to the newest thread every time an agent or customer updates the chat session. For information about the Auto Scroll Control Position property, see Selected Object Properties.
  1. Click Login Chat to log in to Chat.
  2. From the Chat Supervisor Queue Snapshot report, select the chat you want to monitor and click Monitor, or you can right-click and select Monitor.
    The chat session opens on the Engagements tab and you can view all correspondence between the agent and customer. At this point, the agent does not know the chat is being monitored. The private response Compose field displays.
  3. To send a private message to the agent, enter your message in the private response Compose field and click Send Private Message.
    Your message appears on the chat transcript and is indicated to be a private message. The agent cannot respond to your private message unless you join the chat.
  4. To join the chat you are monitoring, click Join.
    Two Compose fields display, one with a white background for public messages to the agent and customer, and the other with a blue background for private messages to the agent. The agent is notified that you joined the chat.
  5. To send a message, enter your message in either the public or private Compose field, and click Send Public Message or Send Private Message, as appropriate.
    Customers don’t see private messages to the agent. Send a public message if you want the customer to see your message to the agent.
  6. To leave the chat you are monitoring, click Leave.
    You are disconnected from the chat and the monitoring session ends. If you were only monitoring and had not joined the chat, the agent is not notified that you left. If you joined the chat, the agent is notified that you left the chat.