Navigation Sets, Profiles, and Staff Accounts

Navigation sets control the navigation lists and buttons that staff members see on the console navigation pane. Staff members need a navigation set to work in your application.

You can create unique navigation sets for staff members who have any combination of responsibilities. This can be working with incidents, maintaining answers in your knowledge base, and creating mailings.

You must assign staff members a profile to give them permission to add and edit reports, records, and other items. You can create as many profiles as you need based on the areas that staff members will work in and the functionality they need to access. You must assign a default navigation set to each profile during setup.

Note: It’s important to consider the security of your site when granting staff member permissions. See Administration Interface Configuration for information about protecting your site when assigning profile permissions. To learn how you can develop a security plan that fits the needs of your organization, see How You Develop a Security Plan.

The final element all staff members need is a staff account, which contains the login information they’ll need to access the application. Configure the initial setup for your staff in this order:

  1. Create navigation sets consisting of navigation buttons and their associated navigation lists.
  2. Create profiles and assign a navigation set to each profile.
  3. Create a staff account for each staff member and assign a profile to each staff account.
    Since you need access to all functionality, the first navigation set and profile you’ll create is your own. See Create a Navigation Set for the Administrator. Then, add a staff account for yourself and begin using your new login information.
    Tip: If you intend to use custom workspaces instead of the default standard workspaces, you should create your custom workspaces before creating profiles, since you assign the workspaces staff members use in their profiles. If you decide to create your profiles and staff accounts first, you can always update profiles later with the custom workspaces. See Overview of Workspaces.