Open the Scripts Explorer

The Scripts explorer is used to access and manage all of the agent scripts on your site.

With this explorer, you can browse, search, and organize scripts in hierarchical folders on the content pane using functions similar to Windows Explorer.
Note: B2C Service does not include a set of standard scripts because all scripts are designed with unique content to meet specific business needs.
  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Application Appearance, and then double-click Scripts Explorer.
    The Scripts explorer opens. The explorer displays the tree structure on the left and lists scripts and custom folders on the right. Listed next to each script name is its script type, based on the type of record it is used to update. The script type determines which fields and controls can be added to the script. For example, the Incident script type provides access to controls and database fields that are related to incidents. See Script Types.

What to do next

You can create custom folders to help you organize the scripts you create by right-clicking the Scripts item in the Folders tree and selecting New Folder. Simply click a folder to display a list of the scripts it contains.
Note: You can also add the Scripts explorer to any of your navigation lists if your profile allows. See Download the Oracle B2C Service Client and Log In.