Reassociate the Contact with an Incident

Deleting a contact also deletes the incidents for which the contact is the primary contact. However, deleting a contact who is associated with an incident but is not the primary contact, does not delete the incident.

If you do not want to delete the incidents for which the contact is the primary contact, you can reassociate the incidents with a different contact before you delete the original contact.
  1. Right-click the contact you want to delete and select Open > Contact.
  2. Click the Incidents tab.
  3. Right-click the first incident and select Open.
  4. Click the Contacts tab on the incident.
  5. Click Add Existing.
  6. Search for a contact on the Contact Search window using the procedure described in Search for a Contact from an Open Record.
    The contact you select appears on the Contacts tab of the incident.
    Note: Adding a contact to an incident using the Add New or Add Existing functionality from the Contacts tab on the incident retains the primary contact, and adds the new contact as a secondary contact.
  7. Select the option under the Primary column for the contact you added.
    This makes the new contact the primary contact for the incident.
  8. Click OK to close the incident.
  9. Repeat these steps for every incident you want to associate with a different contact.
  10. Click Save.


The incidents you reassociated no longer appear on the Incidents tab of the contact. Now you can delete the contact that was originally the primary contact. See What Happens When You Delete a Contact.