Remove a Link

There may be times when you want to remove product-category or product-disposition links, such as when your organization modifies dispositions as a result of a business process change.

You can manually remove product links one at a time. You can also remove multiple product links in one operation using the multi-edit mode, described in Create or Remove Links for Multiple Products Simultaneously.
  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Service, and then double-click Products/Categories/Dispositions.
  3. Right-click the product you want to remove links from and select Edit.
  4. To remove category links from the product, click Category Links.
    1. To remove all category links from the product, click Remove All Links.
    2. To remove specific category links, clear the check boxes for the categories you no longer want to link to this product.
      All associated implicit links are also cleared.
    3. Click Save.
  5. To remove disposition links from the product, click Disposition Links.
    1. To remove all disposition links from the product, click Remove All Links.
    2. To remove specific disposition links, clear the check boxes for the dispositions you no longer want to link to this product.
      All associated implicit links are also cleared.
    3. Click Save and Close.