Search the External Suppression List

Before you can remove individual email addresses from the external suppression list, you need to select them, which means you must display them on the editor by searching for them. You might, for example, want to search for and delete all email addresses with a specific domain.

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Outreach, and then double-click External Suppression List.
    The editor displays on the content pane.
  3. Select the type of search you want from the Like drop-down list.

    Search Options for the External Suppression List

    Search Option Description
    Like The search returns email addresses that contain the search term you enter. For example, typing and returns the following results:,, and
    Ends With The search returns email addresses that end with the search term you enter. Use this option to find all email addresses at a specific domain, such as
    Exact Match The search returns email addresses that exactly match the search term you enter.
    Starts With The search returns email addresses that begin with the search term you enter.
  4. Enter your search term in the text field. Leave this field blank to return all email addresses in the list.
  5. Click Search.
    The number of matching records and the returned email addresses display in the Records Found section.
  6. To select one or more email addresses to remove from the external suppression list, do one of the following:
    • Select the check box next to each email address.
    • Select the Select All check box if you want to remove all of the addresses in the Records Found field.