Create a URL based experiment

Within a layout based experiment you have the option to input a URL. Changing from a layout based experiment to a URL based experiment enables you to refine the included URL. Specifically, when configuring the target definition to define which visitors should be included as participants in an experiment, you can change the URL target from layout to URL. You can define a URL target and match the visitors URL.

If you would like to run an experiment on a specific product you would input that product's specific URL. However, you may prefer to create this type of experiment if you plan to run a site-wide experiment that includes every page of your site.

You can access a URL based experiment via the Experiments application, or within the Design layout configuration settings. .

To create a URL based experiment:
  1. Open the Design page in Commerce, select any layout and click the Grid View, then click the Experiments flask.
  2. Select Add experiment.

    You are redirected to Oracle Experiments with the Experiment Configuration screen displayed and the selected layout as the control for the experiment.

  3. Select the elements of the layout you wish to include in the experiment and make your edits. Upon selecting your preferred element, the Element Configuration window displays providing you with several configuration options including Make Hyperlink:
    • Enter a name for the experiment, a URL to be used as the control for the experiment, and select a Target.
    • The URL you provide must be enabled for Oracle Experiments. If the page is not enabled for Oracle Experiments, a message indicating that the experiment URL cannot be loaded is displayed.
    • If you do not specify whether the Experiment URL uses HTTP or HTTPS protocol, HTTPS is assumed as the default protocol.
  4. Click the Save button, or Cancel.

    You can use the Target and Goals tabs to configure the experiment, specifically, you can open the Target tab and choose URL from the Targeting Method.

    See Configure Experiments for further information.

An example of creating a URL based experiment could be to test how using a specific image, say a promotional image at the top of your page, might impact site traffic. You can select and highlight any part of the page to make changes. So for the purposes of this example, if you were to click the image at the top of your page you will see the <img> tag highlighted. From here you can use the configuration options provided to change the image URL, alt text, title, and size. You can also use the Target and Goals options to target a specific audience who would use the changed image, and select or customize an experiment goal. See Configure the target and Configure the goals for more details.

For more information on creating this type of experiment, you can filter for Experiments topics on Cloud Customer Connect where there are several How-To examples explaining step-by-step configurations, such as, Use Case #5: Showing Default Promo Image vs. Different Promo Image.