Tag site pages to use the Infinity data ingestion feature

The presence of an Infinity tag in site pages initiates data collection from online systems capable of executing JavaScript.

As mentioned, complex behaviors and site content can be tracked and delivered to the Oracle Infinity reporting environment by using the special Commerce Infinity tag in your store pages. This data is ingested and sent to the Infinity data repository for analysis.

To use this tag in your store site pages, contact your Oracle account representative to obtain a base tag for your site. A tag URL will be returned to you that looks something like this: c.oracleinfinity.io/acs/account/account_guid/my_tagid/odc.js.

A setting for Infinity is available in Commerce Admin application under the Integrations tab. After enabling the setting, provide the Infinity Tag URL obtained from Infinity in the Production URL field.

Note: The GUID and tagID are unique strings for your site and tag.

For more complete details on using Infinity and its capabilities, refer to the Oracle Infinity documentation.