Understand the role of the Infinity platform in data ingestion

Infinity provides a platform for data ingestion when integrated with Commerce.

With the Commerce data ingestion feature enabled, the Oracle Infinity Tag used in Commerce site pages initiates the collection of data from online systems capable of executing JavaScript. This data is then saved in the Oracle Infinity data repository. Though initial configuration is very simple (by using the Infinity tag features), complex behaviors and site content can be tracked and delivered to the Oracle Infinity reporting environment. Data collected by using the tag can then be used to drive marketing activities of any conceivable type, and integrations with Oracle Marketing Cloud applications.

Oracle Infinity provides the following capabilities:

  • Data collection - Collects web and mobile app activity data that interests you. As data is collected, it is organized in sessions, augmented, and evaluated to identify if someone is a previously known user or a new user. All data is collected quickly, processed, and made available for analysis using Infinity's reporting user interface and APIs. This lets you get immediate feedback on campaigns or new content you just launched on your site.
  • Reports - Analyzes your data and prepares reports immediately. Unlimited swappable dimensions reduce the need for one-off reports.
  • Streams - Gains real-time insights into a continuous flow of visitor activity data.
  • Action Center - Integrates in-session, customer-level data with action systems such as email service providers, CRM systems, and marketing automation platforms. Action Center enables creation, monitoring, stopping, and starting of connections.
  • Integrations - Provides APIs that let you integrate with your business and marketing applications.
  • Account settings - Defines roles, groups, user privileges, and more.
  • Library - The Library application provides you with a way to administer reports, measures, dimensions, segments, and any other objects that you can administer.

You may encounter the following Infinity terminology when trying to work with the Commerce and Infinity integration to successfully collect the data that best works for you:

  • Account GUID – A unique value used to identify your account. All collected data is stored in one place for an account. All tags on an account use the same account GUID.
  • Tag Id – Tag identifier used to put your tags into a hierarchical format. Each tag has a unique ID that may be set at creation time.
  • Context – A Context tag is a unique tag configuration selectable by query parameter. You may only have one active context at a time for a tag, though you may have multiple contexts configured for an individual tag.
  • Plugin – An add-on to the tag that enables tracking libraries for functions outside of what the base tag tracks.

For more complete details on using Infinity and its capabilities, refer to the Oracle Infinity documentation.