Add images to products

Use a product’s Media tab to upload and arrange product images that will appear on your store.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

You can upload JPG, BMP, PNG, and GIF files. Commerce automatically sizes your images for display on different devices, such as laptops, tablets, and mobile phones.

Note: This section describes how to upload images to individual products. See Manage Media for Your Store for information about using the media library, including information about uploading a ZIP file of images and other types of media that are automatically assigned to products and collections in your catalog.

This section includes the following topics:

Add and assign images

If you upload multiple images, the first image displayed on the Media tab is used as the primary image for the product. To see how images will be displayed on your store, go to the Design page and select the Product layout. For more information about layouts, see Design Your Store Layout.

To add an image to a product:

  1. On the Catalog page, navigate to the product to which you want to add images.
  2. On the product’s Media tab, click Add Images and select Upload New.
  3. Select an image to upload.

    You can upload only one image at a time. If you select a file with the same name as a file you already uploaded, the new file replaces the existing one.

  4. Click Save.

To assign an image to a product from the media library:

  1. On the Catalog page, open the product to which you want to add images.
  2. On the product’s Media tab, click Add Images and select Media Library.
  3. Select images to assign to the product and click Add.

    For details about selecting, sorting, and searching for images in the media library, see Manage Media for Your Store .

  4. Click Save.

Manage images for variant values

If you specified that product images should be displayed at the variant property value level, you can assign a separate main image to the product for each value. For example, you can assign a separate image to each color.

To manage images for variant values:

  1. On the Catalog page, navigate to the product whose images you want to manage.
  2. On the product’s Media tab, select a variant value from the drop down list.

    By default, Always Shown is selected. This means that the same image is displayed for each of the values.

    Note: If you uploaded a ZIP file of images that were automatically assigned to the product, those images are assigned to Always Shown. See Automatically assign images to products and collections for more information.

  3. To add an image for the selected value, click Add Images and select either Upload New or Media Library.
  4. Select an image to upload or assign.

    You can assign more than one image to each value.

  5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 for each value that requires images.
  6. Click Save.

Add alt text and titles to images

Alt text and titles provide descriptions of images assigned to products and collections.

  • Search engines index alt text and use it to return images for user queries. Alt text is also used when shoppers cannot view images on the web. For example, a blind shopper’s screen reader reads an image’s alt text when it reaches the image on a category page on your store.
  • A title is used as a tooltip, or hover text, when a shopper points to the image.

By default, Oracle Commerce uses a product or collection’s name for both the alt text and title text for all images assigned to that product or collection. You can edit the default alt text and title text on the product or collection’s Media tab.

Note: You can also add keywords, titles, and descriptions to products and collections. See Add metadata to products and collections for more information.

To edit an image’s alt text and title:

  1. On the Catalog page, open the product or collection whose image you want to edit. Click the Media tab.
  2. Hover over the image and click the Edit current image icon when it appears. A new screen displays containing the image properties.
  3. To change the current Alt Text you must check Edit Manually and enter the new text in the text box.

    To change back to the default alt text, check Edit Manually and click Reset Default.

  4. To change the current Title you must check Edit Manually and enter the new one in the text box.

    To change back to the default title, check Edit Manually and click Reset Default.

  5. Click Save.

Reorder images

The first image displayed on a product’s Media tab is used as the primary image for the product on your store. The remaining images are displayed on the product details page in the order they appear on the Media tab.

To reorder images:

  1. On the Catalog page, open the product whose images you want to reorder. Click the Media tab.
  2. To make an image the primary image for the product, do either of the following:
    • Drag the image to beginning of the list.
    • Hover over the image and click the star icon when it appears.

Remove images

When you remove an image from a product, you cannot access it again with the Commerce tools. If you remove the primary image, the next image on the Media tab becomes the primary image. If you remove all images from a product, a placeholder is displayed on your store.

To remove an image from a product:

  1. On the Catalog page, navigate to the product whose images you want to remove.
  2. On the product’s Media tab, select an image click the X icon when it appears.

    Tip: To remove multiple images, select all the images you want to remove and then click the X icon on any of them.

  3. Confirm that you want to remove the selected images.