Create and work with SKUs

A SKU (stock keeping unit) represents a purchasable instance of a product on your store.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

Customers do not actually purchase products, they purchase SKUs. A product can have several different SKUs associated with it, representing varieties, sizes, and colors. For example, the product Sundress, which is available in two different colors and five sizes, has ten associated SKUs, one for each size/color combination. Each product must have at least one SKU.

You create SKUs by combining a product’s variant properties. Each product must have at least one SKU for customers to purchase and for Commerce to index for searching. You create SKUs by combining a product’s variant properties. If a product was created from a product type that has no variant properties, you must still create a single SKU for it.

This section includes the following topics:

Create SKUs

To create a SKU for a product with no variant properties:

  1. On the Catalog page, select the product for which you want to create the SKU.
  2. Click the SKUs tab.
  3. Select the SKU and add an ID and optionally, a name, for it.
  4. Click Create.

To create SKUs for a product with variant properties:

  1. On the Catalog page, select the product for which you want to create SKUs.

    Note: You cannot add variant properties and create multiple SKUs for products created with the base product type. For more information, see Create and edit product types.

  2. On the SKUs tab, select values for each variant property.

    Click the variant to see a full list of available values. Select a value from the list. To narrow the list, begin typing some text. The filter matches characters that you type wherever they appear in the value, not just at the beginning. Usually, as you type more characters, there are fewer matches.

  3. When you have selected all the variant properties you want to combine into SKUs, click Display Combinations.
  4. Select each SKU you want to assign to the product and add an ID and optionally, a name, for each SKU you select. SKU IDs are required and each must be unique within the product.
  5. Click Create.

If a SKU’s product was created with a product type that includes custom SKU properties, you can edit them once you have created the SKUs.

To edit SKU property values:

  1. On the Catalog page, select the product whose SKUs you want to update.
  2. On the SKUs tab, click the SKU ID of the SKU to update.
  3. Click the SKU Properties tab and edit the SKU properties.

    If the SKU’s parent product was created from a custom product type, the name of the tab will be the name of the product type instead of SKU Properties.

  4. Click Save.

By default, SKUs inherit the list and sale prices of their parent product. You can override these prices on a per-SKU basis. To change the price for a SKU:

  1. On the Catalog page, select the product whose SKUs you want to update.
  2. On the SKUs tab, click the SKU ID of the SKU to update.
  3. Click the SKU’s Price Groups tab and then click the Edit icon.
  4. Enter a new list price or sale price value.
  5. Click Save.

Deactivate SKUs

By default, all a product’s SKUs are active, which means that when the product is active, all SKUs are displayed on your store. You might want to deactivate a SKU if inventory is low or if the SKU contains a variant that will soon be discontinued, like a seasonal color.

Deactivating a SKU prevents it from appearing on your store or in search results but does not remove it from the product. (See Delete SKUs for information about permanently removing a SKU from a product.) If you deactivate all a product’s SKUs but do not deactivate the product, the product is still visible and appears in search results but shoppers cannot buy it. See Create and work with products for information about deactivating a product.

To deactivate a SKU:

  1. On the Catalog page, select the product whose SKUs you want to deactivate.
  2. On the SKUs tab, click the ID of a SKU.
  3. On the SKU details page, uncheck the Active setting and click Save.

Delete SKUs

Deleting a SKU permanently removes it from a product. If you want to keep the SKU but no longer display it, mark it as inactive. See Delete SKUs for more information.

To remove SKUs from a product:

  1. On the Catalog page, select the product whose SKUs you want to delete.
  2. On the SKUs tab, select SKUs and click Delete Selected SKUs.
  3. Confirm that you want to delete the SKUs.

Sort variant values on the product details page

By default, variant values appear on the product details page in the order specified when you created the product type. You can override the default order for individual products.

To reorder variant values on the product details page:

  1. On the Catalog page, open the product whose variant values you want to reorder.
  2. On the SKUs tab, select the name of the variant whose values you want to reorder from the Configure Storefront Display list.
  3. Reorder the values and click Update or Save.
  4. Click Save to close the product.

Create SKU bundles

A SKU bundle is a single SKU that is composed of several other SKUs. SKU bundles allow a group of items to be purchased as a single item but treated as multiple items in order fulfillment. The SKUs that make up a bundle are always the same; a shopper cannot customize a SKU bundle. For example, a gift basket created as a SKU bundle always contains the same items; shoppers cannot choose the contents of the gift basket.

SKUs in a bundle can be sold exclusively in the bundle, but you can also sell them individually.

Commerce automatically sets the inventory for a SKU bundle based on available inventory of the SKUs the bundle contains. For example, suppose a SKU bundle (SKU C) contains 1 of SKU A and 2 of SKU B. There are 20 of SKU A and 10 of SKU B in stock. Therefore, SKU C’s (the bundle’s) stock is 5 because that is how many bundles could successfully be purchased given the current inventory of SKU A and SKU B. See Manage inventory for more information.

If the SKU that serves as the bundle is set as not discountable, then the entire SKU bundle cannot be discounted, even if some of the SKUs it contains are marked as discountable. Similarly, if the SKU that serves as the bundle is marked as discountable, then the entire SKU bundle can be discounted, even if some of the SKUs it contains are marked as not discountable

Creating a SKU bundle is a three-step process:

  1. Create the SKU that will serve as the bundle.
  2. Add SKUs to the bundle.
  3. Specify how many of each SKU the bundle contains.

The procedures that follow describe each of these steps in detail.

To create the SKU that serves as the bundle:

  1. Create a product that will include the SKU bundles. See Create and work with products for more information.

    Since SKU bundles cannot be customized by shoppers, you might want to create a product that contains a number of similar SKU bundles to offer shoppers choice. For example, suppose you want to bundle a variety of scented votive candles into different combinations of three. In this case, create a product called Votive Packs.

  2. In the new product, create the SKUs that will serve as the bundles See Create SKUs for more information.

    Continuing with the votive candle example, create a SKU for each combination of scents you want to sell.

To add SKUs to a SKU bundle:

  1. Select a SKU and click the Bundled SKUs tab.
  2. Click the Include SKUs button.
  3. Select one or more SKU IDs from the list. You can filter the list by typing or pasting all or part of a SKU ID in the SKUs box.
  4. Click Add Selected.
  5. Click Done when you finish adding SKUs.

To specify the number of each SKU that the bundle will contain:

  1. On the Bundled SKUs tab, click the quantity for the SKU you want to edit.
  2. Enter a new value and click the Save icon.
  3. Click the Save button on the SKU tab when you finish updating quantities.