Viewing and managing users

You can view and edit user roles from the Admin section of Oracle Unity. To manage user information, you will need to log in to Oracle Identity Cloud Service.

Note: You need to have the Instance admin role to view and manage users.

Viewing user information

The Admin page displays the following information on users:

  • Name

  • Job Title

  • Language

  • Country

  • Time zone

  • Roles

  • Work address

  • Phone

You can use filters on the left-side of the page to update the user list by assigned roles.

To view more information on a user:

  • Use the search field to search by first or last name. Click the user's row. The row will expand and additional information will display for the user.

An image of the Users & Roles page

An image of additional information for a user

Editing user roles

You can edit the roles assigned to a user. If needed, you can assign multiple roles to one user. The user will have the combined access and functionality of all assigned roles.

Note: New users have the default assigned role of Analytics. Assign new users the roles that are appropriate for their needs and responsibilities. Learn more about User roles.

To edit a user:

  1. Click the user's row. If needed, use the search field to search by first or last name. The row will expand and additional information will display for the user.
  2. An image of the Users & Roles page

  3. Click Edit An image of the edit icon.
  4. An image of the Edit icon

  5. Use the checkboxes to assign roles. As you assign or remove roles for a user, their permissions on the right side of the window will be automatically updated for you to review. Learn more about User roles.
  6. An image of the Edit roles window

  7. Click Save.

Managing user information

You can manage Oracle Unity user information from the Oracle Identity Cloud Service Users page. The information you update on that page will update the user information displayed in the Admin page in Oracle Unity.

Learn more about Managing Oracle Identity Cloud Service Users in the Oracle Identify Cloud Service Help Center

To manage users:

  1. Log in to Oracle Identity Cloud Service.
  2. Click the navigation menu (Image of the application navigation button.) and select Users.
  3. Click the user name you want to manage. The information for the user will display.
  4. An image of the Identity Cloud Service Users page

  5. Update the user's information.
  6. An image of the user's information from Oracle Identity Cloud Service

    • From the Details tab, update the following sections: Account Information, Work Information, and Other information. When done, click Update User.
    • From the Access tab, assign the user to the Oracle Unity application or other applications.

Learn more

Account and user management

Adding users

Manage Oracle Identity Cloud Service Users in the Oracle Identify Cloud Service Help Center

view users, manage users, update user information, update user details, identity cloud service