Adding users

When adding new users to the Oracle Unity application, you will be directed to the Oracle Identity Cloud Service Users page. From that page, you can add the user to the list of users for your organization, update the user's details, and assign them access to the Oracle Unity application.

Required privileges to add users and sync users

To add and sync users in Oracle Unity, you need the following privileges.

Adding users

There are two main tasks when adding users to Oracle Unity:

  1. Add the user to your organization's user list. This is only needed if the user hasn't been added to Oracle Identity Cloud Service previously.
  2. Assign the user access to the Oracle Unity application.

Step 1: Add user to user list

You can start adding users to your organization's user list from the Admin page.

Important: If the user was previously added to the Oracle Identity Cloud Service because they have used other Oracle products, then you don't need to add them again. You only need to assign them access to the Oracle Unity application. You can skip these steps and go to Step 2: Assign user access to application.

To add a user:

  1. From the Admin page, click Add new user. You will be directed to the Oracle Identify Cloud Service Users page in a new browser window. The Add User dialog will display.
  2. An image of the Add new user button

    If you don't see the Add new user button, you don't have all the required privileges to add users. Review Required privileges to add users and sync users.

    An image of the add user dialog

  3. Enter the name details for the user and the user name. Click the checkbox to use the user's email address as their user name.
  4. Click Finish. You will be directed to the Users page and the user will be added to the list.

Step 2: Assign user access to application

You will now need to assign the user to the Oracle Unity application. You can also update the details for the user.

To update the user's details and assign the user to the Oracle Unity application:

  1. Click the user name of the user you just added. The user's information will display.
  2. An image of the Identity Cloud Service Users page

  3. If needed, click the Details tab and update the details for the user. Then click Update User.
  4. An image of the Details tab

  5. Click the Access tab.
  6. An image of the Access tab

  7. Click + Assign. The Assign Applications dialog will display.
  8. An image of the Access tab

  9. For the Oracle Unity application, click Assign. The user will now have access to the Oracle Unity application.
  10. Important: If your Oracle Unity account is manually provisioned, then you will need to complete the steps for Syncing users. If your Oracle Unity account is automatically provisioned, you don't need to complete those steps as the user info between Oracle Identity Cloud Service and Oracle Unity will be automatically synced.

    An image of the Assign Applications dialog


After assigning access to Oracle Unity, the user will receive a welcome email with a link to log in.

Note: After creating new users and giving them access to Oracle Unity, they will have the default user role of Analytics. Assign new users the roles that are appropriate for their needs and responsibilities. Learn more about Viewing and managing users.

You can add additional users in any of the following ways:

  • Return to the Admin page in Oracle Unity and click Add new user.
  • From the Oracle Identify Cloud Service Users page, click + Add.
  • An image of the Oracle Identity Cloud Service Users page

  • Visit the Oracle Identify Cloud Service dashboard. In the Users section, click Add user An image of the add user icon.
  • An image of the Users section on the Oracle Identity Cloud Service dashboard

Syncing users

Complete these steps if your Oracle Unity account is manually provisioned.

After creating the user and giving access to the Oracle Unity application, you will need to sync the user info between Oracle Identity Cloud Service and Oracle Unity.

To sync users:

  1. From the Admin page, click Force sync user from the top-right corner. The Force sync user dialog will display.
  2. An image of the Force sync user button

    If you don't see the Force sync user button, you don't have all the required privileges to sync users. Review Required privileges to add users and sync users.

  3. Enter the details to allow the sync.
  4. An image of the Force sync user dialog

    • Idcs Url: This field is automatically filled.
    • Client Id: This field is automatically filled.
    • Client secret: You can get the Client secret from the Applications page in the Oracle Identity Cloud Service portal. Select the Oracle Unity application, click the Configuration tab, and open General Information. Click Show Secret. The Client secret will display. Learn more about Retrieving Oracle Identity Cloud Service parameters.
    • An image of the Client Secret dialog window

  5. Click Save.

Adding Instance admin users

The Instance admin role can access and manage all account management functions in Oracle Unity. Learn more about User roles.

You can assign the Instance admin role to users from the Oracle Identity Cloud Service portal.

To create a user with the role of Instance admin, you will need to do the following:

Once you have completed these steps, you can then follow the steps below.

To assign the Instance admin role:

  1. Log in to the Oracle Identify Cloud Service.
  2. In the left-hand navigation menu, go to Security and select Administrators. The Administrators page will display.
  3. An image of the Applications page

  4. Click the heading Identity Domain Administrator.
  5. An image of the Identity Domain Administrator section

  6. Click + Add. The Add Users to the Administrator Role dialog will display.
  7. An image of the add button

  8. Review the current list of users that have access to Oracle Unity and use the search field if needed. Click the checkbox next the user's name to assign them the Identity Domain Administrator role.
  9. Click OK.

Learn more

Account and user management

Viewing and managing users

Manage Oracle Identity Cloud Service Users in the Oracle Identify Cloud Service Help Center

view users, manage users, update user information, update user details, identity cloud service