Address validation

Address verification is done as part of the Data warehouse job after ingest jobs successfully import address data into the Oracle Unity data model.

Important: Data that is imported with the Near real-time API can't be used for address validation. To ensure that data is used for address validation, use the Streaming API or an ingest job to import the data. Learn how to ingest data with the Streaming API from the Oracle Unity Developer Help Center.

Third-party address validation

Oracle Unity uses the third-party service Loqate as an address validation service. Loqate standardizes its address data coverage based on country of residence. Review the address coverage of Loqate. For U.S. address data, Loqate uses CASS as an additional address validation feature.

Setting up address validation

Contact Oracle Support to set up address validation for your account and make any necessary changes to the configuration of the address validation to meet the needs of your organization.

Address verification demo

Visit the Address Verification page of Loqate to enter sample address data and verify the output data.

Address validation output

You can configure the output of address validation data based on your requirements. It involves the mapping of the Input attribute and the Output attribute. Loqate uses the input attribute to retrieve and validate address data. Validated address data is stored in the output attribute.

Default input field mapping

The table below shows the default field mapping to allow Loqate to retrieve and validate address data.

Unity data model attribute Loqate input field
Address.addressline1 Address1
Address.addressline2 Address2
Address.zipcode PostalCode Country

Default output field mapping

The table below shows the default field mapping for storing validated address data.

Loqate output field Unity data model attribute
Address1 Address.addressline1
Address2 Address.addressline2
ISO3166-2 Address.countrycode_isoalpha2
ISO3166-3 Address.countrycode_isoalpha3
AdministrativeArea Address.state
SubAdministrativeArea Address.county
PostalCode Address.zipcode

Geocode field mapping

If Geocode is enabled, the table below shows the additional default field mapping.

Loqate output field Unity data model attribute
latitude Latitude
longitude Longitude

Keep the following in mind when configuring input attribute and output attribute mapping:

  • If your mapping has the input attribute and output attribute as the same attribute, then any address data that is validated and corrected will overwrite the existing address data.
  • If your mapping has the input attribute and output attribute as different attributes, then any address data that is validated and corrected will be stored as new values.

Address validation attributes

After the Data warehouse successfully runs, the following attributes from the Address data object store validation data from Loqate:

  • AV - Delivery Point Validation: Indicates the quality of an address by using the Address Quality Index (AQI). The following values are used.
  • AV - Delivery Point Validation Description: Provides information about the completeness of the validated address data by using the Address Verification Code (AVC) and is made up of the following values.
    • The verification status
    • The post-processed verification match level
    • The pre-processed verification match level
    • The parsing status
    • The lexicon identification match level
    • The context identification match level
    • The postcode status
    • The matchscore
    • Learn more about the Address Verification Code.

  • AV - Is Valid: Indicates if an address is considered valid. The following values are used.
    • True
    • False

Validating Oracle Unity address data in the data model

To view the output of validated address data, make sure you do the following:

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jobs dashboard, system jobs, data warehouse, dw job, id resolution, publish, publish changes, address validation, address verification