Creating an Amazon Web Services (AWS) segment delivery

Exporting segments to Amazon Web Services (AWS) requires the following tasks:

  1. Create an AWS destination
  2. Create an AWS segment delivery

Create an AWS destination

You will first need to follow the steps for Creating an Amazon Web Services (AWS) destination.

Create an AWS segment delivery

After creating the destination, you will need to create the segment delivery that will export the segment to AWS.

To create a new segment delivery:

  1. Click the Oracle icon Image of the application navigation button. Use it to access the different parts of Oracle Unity. in the bottom-right corner to open the navigation menu.
  2. Select Segment Delivery.
  3. In the top-right corner, click Create segment delivery.

The Create Segment delivery page is displayed.

Note: You can open and close the different sections on the page by clicking the Arrow button An image of the arrow button. Use it to open and close sections on the page., or anywhere else in the section heading.

Step 1: Define segment delivery details

The segment delivery details section allows you to define how the segment delivery will display in Oracle Unity.

To define the segment delivery details:

  1. Enter the details for the segment delivery.
  2. An image of the Segment Delivery details section

    • Name: Enter a unique name. The name must be 1 or more characters, up to a maximum of 128. Other than underscores (_) and hyphens (-), special characters are not allowed. The first character cannot be a space. You can use characters from all languages supported in the language settings.
    • Campaign ID: The unique system identifier for your campaign. You can't change this value after you create the campaign.

      • If the campaign name uses English characters, the Campaign ID field is auto-populated from the campaign name you enter. You can change this value before the campaign is created.
      • If the campaign name uses characters from another language supported in the language settings, the Campaign ID field will be left blank. You will need to enter a name using English characters.
    • Description: Enter a description. This field is optional, but it is highly recommended to add descriptions for any entity created. This helps all other users get additional context when using and navigating Oracle Unity. The description can have a maximum of 512 characters with no restrictions on characters used. You can use characters from all languages supported in the language settings.
  3. Click Continue.

Step 2: Select destination

The Destination section allows you to select the AWS destination you previously created.

To select a destination:

  1. Select the AWS destination you created previously.
  2. Review and complete the Exported File information.
    • Enter a custom file name for the exported file.

      An image of the file name field

      • We recommend using a file name that includes the segment delivery name for easy identification.
      • You can use characters from all languages supported in the language settings.
      • The file name you provide will override the file name defined in the destination.
      • A timestamp will be added to the custom file name you provide in the following format: yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss-SSS. For example, entering the file name segment_delivery_job_sale will generate the following file name in the destination when it runs: segment_delivery_job_sale_2020-05-13-08-04-13-354_0.csv.
      • Example: You create a Secure FTP destination with the file name sftpfile.csv and use it for the following segment deliveries: Repeat shopper segment, Summer sale segment, and Homeowner segment. When setting up the segment delivery jobs, you can create the following unique file names for each one: sftpfile_repeat_shopper, sftpfile_summer_sale, and sftpfile_homeowner. This allows you to quickly determine which segment was exported in each file.

  3. When you have confirmed all the destination details, click Continue.

Step 3: Select segment

The Segment section allows you to select the segment you want to export to AWS.

To select a segment: 

  1. Search by segment name or select from the list of segments.
  2. An image of the segment field

  3. The list of personalization attributes for the segment will display. To edit the list of personalization attributes, you will need to update the personalization attributes selected for the segment before creating the segment delivery. Learn more about Managing segments.
  4. An image of the list of personalization attributes

  5. Review the details for the segment and click Continue.

Step 4: Schedule and notify

You will need to configure the schedule and notification settings for the segment delivery.

An image of the Schedule and notify section

To schedule the segment delivery and define the notification settings:

  1. Configure the schedule for the segment delivery:
    • Click Recurring to automatically run the segment delivery job on a regular schedule. If a job is still running while the next one is scheduled to run, the next scheduled run will not start until the current one completes. Two scheduled instances of the same segment delivery can't run simultaneously.
    • Click On demand to run the segment delivery job as needed.
  2. If the segment delivery job is recurring, select the Frequency, Start time, and Days it will run.
  3. In the field for Notify, enter the email addresses of people to be notified when the segment delivery job runs. You can use characters from all languages supported in the language settings. Separate multiple emails with a comma.
  4. If you only want a notification if the segment delivery job fails, click the checkbox Only notify on failure.

Step 5: Save and publish the segment delivery

After saving the segment delivery you will need to publish the changes before it can run.

To save and publish the segment delivery:

  1. Scroll to the top of the page and click Save or Save and close.
  2. Follow the steps for Publishing changes.

When the publishing task successfully completes, the segment delivery can run.

Learn more

Creating destinations

Creating segment deliveries

integrate, integration, object store, how to integrate, object storage