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Updating your Taxonomy via MOS

Oracle Data Cloud’s classification and taxonomy team can classify your user data for you and create custom categories in your first-party taxonomy. You can then update your taxonomy at any time by working directly with your taxonomy or solutions consultant if you have engaged in an Ongoing Services agreement or by filling out a taxonomy spreadsheet and attaching it to a My Oracle Support (MOS) ticket as described in this topic.

In this topic

Steps for updating your taxonomy by with My Oracle Support

To update your taxonomy with MOS:

  1. Download the taxonomy update template spreadsheet file.
  2. (Optional) contact MOS to request a copy your current data classification rules. This will provides you with a list of category paths, rule IDs, and other information which can make updates easier to document in the taxonomy update template.
  3. Fill out the taxonomy update template with the desired modifications to your taxonomy.
  4. Create a MOS ticket requesting the updates and attach the completed taxonomy update spreadsheet.

Template worksheet descriptions

The taxonomy update template is a spreadsheet in XLSX format that includes the following worksheets for you to populate as needed:

New_Categories worksheet

The New_Categories worksheet provides columns for you to specify category details and to associate it with sites and new rules.

For convenience, multiple key, operator, and value columns are provided but are not required.

Column Description
Category Path The full taxonomy path of the category, such as category parent > category child > name of new category
Category Description (Optional) A brief description of the category to be displayed in the Category Details dialog in the Oracle Data Cloud platform.
Site ID Your partner ID such as P9876 (for rules that should apply to all your sites) or a list of site IDs separated by a pipe delimiter, such as 12345|23456|34567.
Key1 The phint key associated with the rule to be created
Op1 The rule operator used, such as *_* (contains) or == (equals). For a full list, see rule operators.
Value1 The value of the key

Edit_Categories worksheet

The Edit_Categories worksheet provides columns for you to request a change to a category name or to its position in the hierarchy.

Column Description
Category ID The unique ID assigned to the category by the Oracle Data Cloud platform
Existing Category Path The current full taxonomy path of the category, such as category parent > category child > name of existing category
Category Rename The new category name for the category
New Category Path The new full taxonomy path of the category, such as such as new category parent > new category child > new name of category

New_RulesForExistingCategories worksheet

The New_RulesForExistingCategories worksheet provides columns for you to specify new rules to associate with existing categories. If you want to create new categories, use the New_Categories worksheet instead.

For convenience, multiple key, operator, and value columns are provided but are not required.

Column Description
Site ID Your partner ID such as P9876 (for rules that should apply to all your sites) or a list of site IDs separated by a pipe delimiter, such as 12345|23456|34567.
Key1 The phint key associated with the rule to be created
Op1 The rule operator used, such as *_* (contains) or == (equals). For a full list, see rule operators.
Value1 The value of the key
Category ID The unique ID assigned to the category by the Oracle Data Cloud platform
Category Path The full taxonomy path of the category, such as category parent > category child > name of category

Edit_Rules worksheet

The Edit_Rules worksheet provides columns for you to specify changes to existing rules. For example, you can change the site IDs or categories associated with existing rules.

The columns in the following table are repeated in the EXISTING RULES and the UPDATED RULES sections. For clarity, please list your rule details in both sections (even if you are not changing much about the rule and it seems redundant).

Column Description
Rule ID The unique ID assigned to the rule by the Oracle Data Cloud platform
Site ID Your partner ID such as P9876 (for rules that should apply to all your sites) or a list of site IDs separated by a pipe delimiter, such as 12345|23456|34567.
Key1 The phint key associated with the rule to be created
Op1 The rule operator used, such as *_* (contains) or == (equals). For a full list, see rule operators.
Value1 The value of the key
Category ID The unique ID assigned to the category by the Oracle Data Cloud platform
Category Path The full taxonomy path of the category, such as category parent > category child > name of category

For convenience, multiple key, operator, and value columns are provided but are not required.

Delete worksheet

When you remove outdated categories from your taxonomy, you will typically want to remove all associated rules—especially if you have one rule per category. To do this, select the Remove CATEGORY and all its RULES (default) action.

In cases where multiple rules apply to one category or a rule is used by multiple categories, please select the action that indicates whether only the category or only the rule should be deleted.

Important: Deleting categories is permanent and results in the loss of the associated inventory of user profiles.
You should also edit any existing audiences and campaigns that used the deleted categories.

Column Description
SELECT ACTION Specify one of the following actions for each deletion:
  • Remove CATEGORY and all its RULES (default): Specify the category to be removed and all its associated rules will also be removed.
  • Remove only CATEGORY: Specify the category to be removed but do not delete its associated rules.
  • Remove only RULE: Specify the rule to be removed but do not delete its associated categories.
Category ID The unique ID assigned to the category by the Oracle Data Cloud platform
Category Path The full taxonomy path of the category
Rule ID The unique ID assigned to the rule by the Oracle Data Cloud platform
Source Your partner ID such as P9876 (for rules that apply to all your sites) or a list of site IDs separated by a pipe delimiter, such as 12345|23456|34567
Key1 The phint key associated with the rule to be deleted
Op1 The rule operator used, such as *_* (contains) or == (equals). For a full list, see rule operators.
Value1 The value of the key

Rule operators and examples

The following table describes the available rule operators and provides examples that correspond to the Key1, Op1, and Value1 columns in the template's rules worksheets.

Operator Description Examples
Key1 Op1 Value1
== Is (or equals) keyname == foobar
_* Starts with keyname _* foo
*_ Ends with keyname *_ bar
*_* Contains keyname *_* foobar

Integer range

Note: This can only be used on ranges of 100 unique integer values or less, such as 10-100 and not 10-10000. For larger ranges, use the greater than and less than operators instead.

keyname [] [1-50]
< Less than keyname < 50
<= Less than or equal to keyname <= 50
> Greater than keyname > 50
>,< Greater than and less than keyname >,< 1|50
>,<= Greater than and less than or equal to keyname >,<= 1|50
>= Greater than or equal to keyname >= 50
>=,< Greater than or equal to and less than keyname >=,< 1|50
>=,<= Greater than or equal to and less than or equal to keyname >=,<= 1|50


Using the Taxonomy Manager

Using taxonomy permissions to share your data

Exporting your taxonomy

Second-party data marketplace