Sharing an Audience with Verizon Media

You can send first- and third-party data linked to Oracle Data Cloud cookies and mobile advertising IDs (MAIDs) by sharing your audiences with Verizon Media. You can then use their Ad platform to target, reach, and engage your users in order to drive measurable actions and conversations.

Before you can configure sharing, you need to get an MDM ID from Verizon Media. The MDM ID identifies you on the Ad platform.

To send your audiences to the Ad platform:

  1. Create an audience that targets the users you want to deliver to Verizon Media. The audience can be based on either cookie or MAID ID sources.

    When you create the audience, do not specify target countries. If your audience includes EU data, include that information in the Notes field as described in step 2 below.

  2. Share the audience with Verizon Media, which is listed in the Receiver box as 23: Verizon Media.

    When you share the audience, specify the following settings:

    • First-Party Details: Full
    • Third-Party Details: Full
    • Sharing Types: Modeling, Targeting, and Analytics
    • Notes: Enter your MDM ID. Also specify whether the audience includes EU data.
    • Send Copy Email To Users:

    The Oracle Data Hotline team receives an email notification that you have shared your audience. That team delivers the audience to the Ad platform and sends a request to Verizon Media to map the audience to your MDM ID.

  3. Select Manage > Taxonomy Management > Taxonomy permissions.

  4. If you do not see 23: Verizon Media listed as a buyer (or if you see only specific categories included under Verizon Media), click Create New.

  5. In the Create New Taxonomy Permissions dialog box, do the following :

    1. In the Selected Recipients list, select 23: Verizon Media .
    2. In the Permissioning Type list, select Modeling, Targeting, and Analytics.
    3. In the Your Taxonomy area, select a parent-level node under which you want the shared data to appear. The node changes color to green when you select it.

      You can select a specific category rather than a parent, but doing so means that you have to add new categories each time you share a new audience to Verizon.

Creating a media targeting campaign in Verizon Media

After you share your audience, it should be available for media targeting in the Ad platform within 48-72 hours.

To use your Oracle Data Cloud data in the Ad platform:

  1. Log into your Verizon Media account.
  2. Go to Audiences > Create Audiences.
  3. Search for a segment name or navigate to 3rd Party > BlueKai > DMP > AudienceName > SegmentName.
  4. Select segments and add to the audience using Boolean logic on the right.
  5. Name and save the audience.
  6. Apply the audience to a line item by adding targeting.