Becoming a Dynamic Creative Optimization Partner

By working with Oracle Data Cloud as a dynamic creative optimization (DCO) app partner, you become a vital part of our data activation system. You can provide another asset that some of the world’s premier publishers, marketers, and advertising companies rely on for intelligent marketing. Partners create Oracle-powered offerings and you are listed as a technology app partner who leverages Oracle Data Cloud platform data to inform solutions beyond ad targeting.

Data delivery terminology

  • ID swapping: Enables partners and Oracle Data Cloud to share a common user ID. This occurs on an ongoing basis by:
    • The partner passing their unique user ID (UUID) to the platform.
    • Oracle Data Cloud platform passing a unique user ID (BKUUID) to the partner.
    • Or the partner and the platform both exchange user IDs.
    • An ID swap is triggered by a user visiting partner’s pages.
  • Pull delivery: The Oracle Data Cloud platform sends data to the media partner via a pixel or JSON post. The media partner then parses (or "pulls") JSON data delivered from the platform.
  • Push: A data delivery mechanism in which the Oracle Data Cloud platform partner sends (or "pushes") data via an image pixel
  • Server-side data transfer (SDT): A highly efficient way for you to receive data from the Oracle Data Cloud platform. The SDT method enables the platform to surpass any pixel capacity restrictions and transfer the data directly to your server – getting you more data, faster.

Workflow and code examples

The DCO workflow encompasses various components of the Oracle Data Cloud platform, including ID-swapping, SDT, and pixel-based or JSON-based delivery.


  • Request an Oracle Data Cloud platform partner seat and a user account.
  • Get the necessary tag for data delivery (applicable for SDT or pull).
  • SDT integrations also require a partner server destination for data reception.

SDT or push image pixel integration

Workflow for an SDT or push pixel delivery:

  Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6
DMP partner Places DCO app partner ID swap pixel inside the container.
Oracle Data Cloud platform calls the partner's ID swap pixel and passes the BKUUID.
Creates and delivers audiences in the Oracle Data Cloud platform Passes catalog with DCO instructions and creative content.
Oracle Data Cloud platform Sends audiences to DCO and media app partners via SDT.
Media app partner Sees targeted user and calls the DCO app partner for optimization.
DCO app partner Uses first- and third-party data to optimize creative based on Oracle Data Cloud instructions.
  1. The DMP partner places the DCO app partner's ID-swap pixel inside the container.
    1. For ID swapping, the platform provides the partner with a tag to place across their network.

      Example ID-swap pixel:

      http://<app partner ID swap pixel>.com?bk_uuid=$_BK_UUID&redir=

      The partner immediately redirects to an image tag with the partner's user ID. Oracle Data Cloud, the partner, or both store the ID pairings in a mapping table for later use. The ID-mapping table can be owned by the partner or Oracle Data Cloud. A redirect (redir) function must be supported if Oracle Data Cloud owns user ID mapping.

    2. For data transfer, you need to provide a server destination URL to which the platform can pass data via HTTP POST. For more details, see SDT.
  2. The DMP partner creates an audience in the Oracle Data Cloud platform:
    1. The partner selects a combination of first- and third-party categories combined with Boolean operators to create an audience.
    2. The partner creates a copy of the audience and delivers the both version. One audience is delivered to a DCO app partner and the other is delivered to a media app partner.
  3. The Oracle Data Cloud platform transfers necessary data to media app partner and DCO app partner via SDT or pixel.

    SDT: The HTTP POST will contain JSON-formatted data and is formatted to support multiple wins in the same call. DCOs can optimize based on categories or pixel URL attributes.

    Sample SDT output

    	"DeliveryTime": "Fri May 07 08:24:48 PDT 2010",
    	"DestinationId": 1,
    	"PixelCount": 2,
    	"Pixels": [{
    		"BkUuid": "6tRenM19999/4qBn",
    		"CampaignId": 7539,
    		"CategoryId": "1573,1581",
    		"PartnerUuid": "2ac905d3ea832cb",
    		"PixelId": 9151,
    		"PixelUrl": ",234,456&price=5,6,7",
    		"Rank": 4,
    		"Timestamp": "Fri May 07 08:24:46 PDT 2010",
    		"UtcSeconds": 1305217390
    	}, {
    		"BkUuid": "Aw2V3a3p1290445zj",
    		"CampaignId": 7539,
    		"CategoryId": "1573,1581",
    		"PartnerUuid": "3bd894d4fb921da",
    		"PixelId": 9151,
    		"PixelUrl": "",
    		"Rank": 4,
    		"Timestamp": "Fri May 07 08:24:47 PDT 2010",
    		"UtcSeconds": 1305217390

    Pixel delivery: DCOs can optimize based on categories or pixel URL attributes or through the use of pixel macros for additional optimization.

    Example pixel delivery,18,19

  4. The DMP partner sends a catalog with DCO instructions and creative content. This step occurs outside out of the Oracle Data Cloud platform and the process is dictated by agreements and procedures between the DMP partner and the DCO app partner. The DCO app partner should request that the catalog received from their DMP clients have the category IDs.

    Example catalog

    skuProduct nameCreativeColorcategory ID
    1234Product 1Creative 1Green17
    1235Product 2Creative 1Blue200
    1236Product 3Creative 223
    1237Product 4Creative 32700
  5. The media app partner sees a user with the desired DMP audience and calls the DCO app partner for creative optimization.
  6. The DCO app partner uses the DMP partner’s first- and third-party data to optimize creative based on instruction from the DMP.

Pull delivery via image pixel or JSON to page

The workflow for JSON-to-page or pull pixel delivery is much like SDT except that the ID swap is replaced later in the process by a real-time data call and delivery in the client (browser).

Workflow for a pull JSON-to-page or pull image pixel delivery:

  Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7
DMP partner Creates audience in the Oracle Data Cloud platform. Passes catalog with DCO instructions and creatives.
Oracle Data Cloud platform Sends audience to media app partner via pixel or JSON to the page. Redirects in real time with the audiences on that user.
Media app partner Sees user desired audience to show ad and calls the DCO app partner for optimization.
DCO app partner Calls Oracle Data Cloudtag. Uses DMP partner’s first-party data to optimize creatives based on Oracle Data Cloud instructions.
  1. The DMP partner creates an audience in the Oracle Data Cloud platform:
    1. In the Oracle Data Marketplace, the partner selects a combination of first- and third-party categories combined with Boolean operators to create an audience.
    2. The partner creates a copy of the audience and delivers the both version. One audience is delivered to a DCO app partner and the other is delivered to a media app partner.
  2. The Oracle Data Cloud platform transfers necessary data to both the DCO and media app partners.
  3. DMP partner sends catalog with DCO instructions and creative content. This step occurs outside out of the Oracle Data Cloud platform and the process is dictated by agreements and procedures between the DMP partner and the DCO app partner. The DCO app partner should request that their catalog received from the DMP clients has the BK category IDs.

    Example catalog

    skuProduct nameCreativeColorcategory ID
    1234Product 1Creative 1Green17
    1235Product 2Creative 1Blue200
    1236Product 3Creative 223
    1237Product 4Creative 32700
  4. The media app partner sees a user with the desired DMP audience to show an ad to, and calls the DCO app partner for optimization.
  5. The DCO app partner calls the tag. Request data on media call. This is accomplished using pull via image pixel or JSON to page. (For additional information, refer to data delivery.)

    Example pull image pixel tag request

    <!-- Begin BlueKai Tag --><iframe name="__bkframe" height="0" width="0" frameborder="0" src="javascript:void(0)"></iframe><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript">bk_doJSTag(SITEID, 0);</script><!-- End BlueKai Tag -->Response Example

    Example response,18,19

    Example pull JSON to page tag request

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

    Example response

    var bk_results = {
    	"campaigns": [{
    		"campaign": [campaign_ID],
    		"timestamp": [UNIX_timestamp],
    		"categories": [{
    			"categoryID": [category_ID],
    			"timestamp": [UNIX_timestamp]
  6. The Oracle Data Cloud platform redirects to the DCO app partner in real time with the audiences on that user.
  7. The DCO app partner uses the DMP partner’s first- and third-party data to optimize creative based on instruction from the DMP.


The Oracle Data Cloud platform organizes the DMP client’s data (user site data, offline CRM data, media targeting data) into a structured taxonomy. Each attribute is converted into an object in the platform. The granularity and number of categories depends on the client’s desire. DMP clients can then create an audience that they would like to target. When an audience or set of categories is shared with a DCO app partner, the app partner has the ability to access the category definitions via the categories API. Refer to the categories API documentation for information on how to call the API and review the data that can be returned.

Pass-through of tag URL or referral page attributes

  • Tag URL: The tag URL which passes attributes about the user or page
  • Referral URL: The page the tag is on

Due to the nature of DCO app partners, the DMP partner may occasionally want the DCO app partner to target at the lowest granularity. For example, the DMP clients might build their taxonomy with a category called Printers. To classify this data, The Oracle Data Cloud platform actually knows about each product SKU and knows that SKU=1234 is a printer and SKU=2345 is a TV. The DMP partner does not want to classify at the SKU level, but the platform can unlock this data for the DCO app partner. The platform can pass the tag URL and referral URL attributes using standard parsing macros.