Creating Hierarchy Sets

When you create a hierarchy set, you'll select the node types that you want to work with in the set and whether the node type allows children. If the node type has children then you'll also need to select the node types for the child. For example, you may have an Account Rollup node type that allows children of the Account node type. For more information, see Working with Hierarchy Sets.

Best Practice

It's a best practice to create a new hierarchy set when you want to:


  • For normal and unbound dimensions:
    • For unbound hierarchy sets:
      • All unbound hierarchy sets except those in Users applications: You can add Normal, Legacy GL, or Lookup class node types. All of the node types must be of the same class.
      • Unbound hierarchy sets in Users applications only: You can add both User and User Rollup class node types, but no other node type classes.
    • For mapping bound hierarchy sets (see Understanding Bindings and Bound Data Objects): You can add all of the same class node types, or a mix of normal and one specialty class (Legacy GL or Lookup) node types. You cannot add both specialty types together.
    • For all other bound hierarchy sets other than mapping bound: You can add only normal class node types.
  • For lookup dimensions: You can add any Legacy GL or Lookup class node types to any hierarchy set (bound or not). All of the node types must be of the same class.

To create a hierarchy set:

  1. From Hierarchy Sets, click Create.
  2. Select the application dimension, define the name and description for the hierarchy set, and then click Create.

    An inspector for the hierarchy set opens. You'll need to select and configure node types for the hierarchy set before it's ready to use.

  3. Select Definition tab, click Edit, click Manage, select one or more node types to use in the hierarchy set, and then click OK.


    See Considerations, above, for the class of node types that you can select. For specialty node type classes, the class is displayed after the node type name in the node type selector.
  4. For each node type, make selections for Child Option:
    • Any - Any node types are allowed as children

    • None - No node types are allowed as children

    • Selected - The selected node type is the only type allowed for children. For Child Node Types, select node types for children, and then click OK.

  5. Make selections for these optional settings:
    • Allow Shared Nodes: Configure shared nodes for the hierarchy set. Shared nodes allow the same nodes to exist multiple times in the hierarchy set.


      By default, shared nodes are allowed within a hierarchy set.
    • Use Custom Order: Select to allow nodes to be reordered in a hierarchy viewpoint. If this is not selected, nodes are sorted alphanumerically. If this is selected, nodes can be sorted using a custom order.
    • Group Parent Nodes First: Select to have parent nodes placed at the beginning of the siblings when there is a mix of parent and bottom nodes.
    • Sort Bottom Nodes By: When Group Parent Nodes First is enabled, select the sorting order (Alphanumeric or Custom) for the bottom nodes under the parents.


      This field is displayed only when Group Parent Nodes First is enabled.

    The following table describes the way these settings work together to control the sort order of parent and bottom nodes:

    Scenario Use Custom Sort Group Parent Nodes First Sort Bottom Nodes By Reorder Action
    All nodes grouped together, sorted alphanumerically False False (Not available) Disabled on all nodes
    All nodes grouped together, custom sort order True False (Not available) Enabled on all nodes
    Group siblings by parent and bottom nodes, sort all alphanumerically False True Alphanumeric Disabled on all nodes
    Group siblings by parent and bottom nodes, sort parent nodes alphanumerically and bottom nodes custom False True Custom Disabled on parent nodes.

    Enabled on bottom nodes.

    Group siblings by parent and bottom nodes, sort parent nodes custom and bottom nodes alphanumerically True True Alphanumeric Enabled on parent nodes.

    Disabled on bottom nodes.

    Group siblings by parent and bottom nodes, sort both custom True True Custom Enabled on all nodes.
  6. Click Save.