Modifying Registered E-Business Suite General Ledger Applications

After you have registered an Oracle E-Business Suite General Ledger application, you can modify the registration to change some of the application settings. For example, you can add or remove a segment or change the financial categories. The application, dimensions, and data objects are updated based on your changes. The dimension bindings are updated to reflect the modifications you make.


If you remove a segment, the corresponding data chain objects for that segment and all of the hierarchies in the segment are unbound from that segment, but not deleted. The removed segment is no longer imported or exported from the application. See Understanding Modifying Applications.

Before you begin:

To modify an application, you need Owner or Metadata Manager permission on the application.

To modify the registration for an E-Business Suite General Ledger application:

  1. To modify the application settings, from Applications, find your application, click ellipsis button, and then select Modify Registration.
  2. To change or add segments, see Registering E-Business Suite General Ledger Applications.
  3. Click Apply when you are done.

    The data chain objects are updated with your modifications.


    If you make changes to the registration of an application that is not in Draft status but do not apply them, they are not saved when you close the registration wizard.

    If you make changes to the registration of an application in Draft status but do not apply them, they are saved and may be able to be updated and applied later. However, if you make changes to bound data objects outside of the registration wizard it may clear the saved changes because the registration must be kept in sync with the bound objects.

Removing Segments

To remove segments from an application:

  1. From Applications, find the application, click ellipsis button, and then select Modify Registration.
  2. Navigate to the segment that you want to remove, and then click remove.
    remove segment