Registering a Universal Application

When you register a Universal application, you create its dimensions. For each dimension, you specify node types, properties, and settings for importing and exporting.


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Learn about registering Universal applications.

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To register an application, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Applications.
  2. Click Register.
    The Choose an Application Type page displays.
  3. Click Universal.
  4. Enter the application Name, and optionally a Description
  5. Use the drop down menu to specify the External System Type. If your external system is not displayed in the list, scroll down to select Other, and then enter an External System Type Label.
    The External System Type is displayed on the Application Summary page to help differentiate multiple Universal applications.
  6. Click Next.
    The Application Summary page displays.
  7. Click Create.
    The Add the Dimensions page displays.
  8. For each dimension you need to add or modify, perform the steps in Adding, Removing, or Modifying a User Defined Dimension.
  9. To remove a dimension, hover the cursor over the row containing the dimension, then click Button for removing the dimension.


    When you remove a dimension, its data objects and properties are unbound but are not deleted. This preserves the data contained by the data objects and properties.
  10. After you finish adding dimensions, click Next.
    The Review the Registration Before Applying Changes page displays.
  11. Review the data. If the data is correct, click Apply.


    If you need to change any of the data, click Back, then select and modify the dimension to be changed.
    When you click the Apply button, Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud creates the default view for the application and the data chain objects bound to the dimensions.