Setting and Viewing Request Priority

Request owners can set the priority of a request to High, Medium, or Low. The request priority can be viewed in request activity, the request inspector, and in an open view.


To set the priority of a request, the following must be true:

  • You must be the request owner.
  • The request must be in the Submit stage. This includes requests that have been pushed back or recalled.

Setting the Request Priority

You set the priority of a request from the request details pane in an open view.

  1. Create or open a request that is currently in the Submit stage.
  2. In the request details pane, from the request header click Request Actions actions, and then click Set Priority.
  3. Select the priority: Low, Medium, or High. You can also select None to set the request to unprioritized. The currently set priority is indicated by a check mark.

Viewing the Request Priority

You can view the priority of a request in the following areas:

  • Request details pane in an open view: The priority (Low, Medium, High) is displayed in the request header. If the priority is not set (None), it is not displayed in the header.
  • Request Activity worklist: The priority is displayed in the Request Priority column. You can filter on request priority (see Working with Request Activity).
  • Request inspector: The priority is displayed on the Summary tab.