Subscriptions Reports

Subscriptions reports provide a complete listing of subscriptions that have been defined across all views and applications. Subscriptions in the report can be filtered by data chain, view, and assignee. You can inspect a subscription directly from the report, allowing you to view more details or make changes to the subscription.

To create a subscriptions report, make selections from these filters:

  • Application - Select All or select an application.

  • View | Viewpoint - Select All or a specific view. If you select a view, you can select All viewpoints or a specific viewpoint.

  • Assignee - Select Current User, All, Data Manager, or a specific user. Assignee can be a user or a group and applies to the default assignee or alternate assignees.

You can search the report results by clicking search button and entering text. The columns of the report are searched for the text that you enter.

You can download the report to an Excel file by clicking download all matching records to file.


Subscriptions for archived source and target viewpoints are not included in subscription reports.

The subscriptions report displays:

  • Name and description of the subscription

  • Source viewpoint (including view and application)

  • Target viewpoint (including view and application)

  • Default and alternate subscription assignees


    Groups that do not currently contain any users are indicated by a empty group icon icon. Service Administrators can assign users to the groups in Access Control. See Overview of Access Control in Administering Access Control for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.
  • Whether or not the subscription is enabled

  • The filters and conditions that are configured for the subscription, including:
    • Included Actions
    • Top Nodes
    • Node Condition
    • Inclusion Property

    See Adding Filters and Conditions to Subscriptions

  • Workflow options for the subscription such as auto-submit and bypass approvals

  • Copy and model after options for the subscription. See Performing Copy and Model After Operations in Subscriptions.

For example, in this report, we can see that the Account Reconciliation | Corporate Accounts subscription is disabled, while all other subscriptions are enabled.

subscription report example

For more information on subscriptions, see Subscribing to Viewpoints.