Editing Extracts

After you have created an extract, you can edit it to change the general extract settings, select the columns, and modify the formatting options. You must have Owner or Metadata Manager permission on a dimension in order to be able to edit a public extract.

To edit an extract:

  1. Inspect the application that contains the extract that you want to edit. See Inspecting Applications.
  2. From the Dimensions tab, click the dimension that contains the extract, and then select the Extracts tab.
  3. On the General tab of the extract inspector, click Edit and change any of these general settings:
    • Name or description of the extract
    • Integration Only (Public extracts only): Select this option to specify that this extract is for system integration purposes only. Integration Only extracts are not displayed in the Viewpoint Extracts report and can only be run from the application worklist.
    • The view or viewpoint to run the extract against. Only active viewpoints within the dimension that you are creating the extract for are able to be selected. If the viewpoint has been archived, a warning icon is displayed.

      You cannot select a viewpoint that contains Legacy GL or Lookup class node types unless it is a mapping bound viewpoint.


      If you change the viewpoint for an extract, the following may occur:
      • Any columns that were in the original viewpoint but not in the new viewpoint are removed from the extract.
      • If you set up an extract filter, it may become invalid. For example, if you change from a hierarchy viewpoint to a list viewpoint, any relationship-level properties in your filter (such as Parent) will become invalid.
    • In Extract File Type, select the file type (text or Excel) for the extract. If you select Excel, enter the name of the worksheet for the extract in Sheet Name.
    • Default file name for the text file to be created for the extract. Ensure that you enter a valid text format such as .csv, .xlsx, .txt, or .tsv.
    • Zip Extract option. Select the check box to extract data in a zipped format. Then, specify a zip file name ending with .zip.


      The Zip File Name field is visible only after you enable Zip Extract. You must enter the .zip file extension after the file name before you can save your changes.
  4. Public extracts only: Specify the global connection name and any parameters for the extract. The parameters that you specify are specific to the connection type. See Creating Global Connections.


    You cannot run private extracts to a global connection. In order to run an extract to a global connection, it must be promoted to public. See Creating, Copying, Promoting, and Deleting Extracts.

    You can test the connection before saving. The Test Connection button is enabled only if you have set up a global connection and defined the required parameters. See Creating Global Connections.

  5. Incremental extracts only: In From and To sections, specify the start and end periods for the extract. The From and To times cannot be the same, but the From time can be later than the To time. In that case, the action codes are reversed. For example, if a node was added and your extract has the From date after the To date, the extract contains a delete for that node.
    • Current: The current date and time when the extract is run is used.
    • Specified: In Timestamp, enter a specific date and time. You can select the time stamp from the date picker or manually edit the date and time.
    • Offset: In Days Prior to Current field, specify the number of days before the current date to use. In Time of Day, specify a time on the offset date.
    • Since Last Extract: The date of the last extract is used. If an extract has never been run against this viewpoint, the creation date of the viewpoint is used.


    The From and To dates use the time zone that is specified on the Options tab. See Specifying Extract Options. If no time zone is specified, the default time zone is UTC.
  6. Click Save.