4 Activate and Run the Recipe

After you've configured the connections and other resources, activate the recipe and run it.


Ensure that you have started the connectivity agent (see Start the Connectivity Agent) before running the integrations.

Activating the Recipe

In the project workspace, click Activate. In the Activate project panel, with the default project deployment selected, choose an appropriate tracing option, then click Activate.

Running the EDM DB Extract Sync Integration

  1. In the Integrations section of the project workspace, click Actions actions icon on the EDM DB Extract Sync integration, and then select Run.

    The Configure and Run page is displayed, where you can specify values in the request body.

  2. In the Request Body tab, enter the following values:
    Field Information to Enter Example
    applicationName The name of the application that you created your extract for. Acquired GL (Legacy)
    dimensionName The name of the dimension that you created your extract for. Cost Center
    extractName The name of your extract. CCExtract
  3. Click Run.

    The integration is submitted for execution.

  4. Monitor the running of the integration flow in Oracle Integration in the Activity stream. Click Refresh refresh icon to update the activity stream until a "Processing completed successfully message" is displayed.
  5. In the database, verify that the data has been written to the table that you created.

Running the DB EDM Extract Sync Integration

  1. In the Integrations section of the project workspace, click Actions actions icon on the DB EDM Extract Sync integration, and then select Run.

    The Configure and Run page is displayed, where you can specify values in the request body.

  2. In the Request Body tab, enter the following values:
    Field Information to Enter Example
    viewName The name of the view that contains the viewpoint to extract data from. Acquired GL (Legacy)
    viewpointName The name of the viewpoint to extract data from. Cost Center
  3. Click Run.

    The integration is submitted for execution.

  4. Monitor the running of the integration flow in Oracle Integration in the Activity stream. Click Refresh refresh icon to update the activity stream until a "Data Mapping completed" message is displayed.
  5. In Oracle Enterprise Data Management, verify that the data has been loaded to the viewpoint that you specified:
    1. Log into Oracle Enterprise Data Management.
    2. Click Views.
    3. Select the view that contains the viewpoint that you loaded data to, for example, Acquired GL (Legacy).
    4. Navigate to the viewpoint that you loaded data to, for example, Cost Center, and verify that the data from your database table has been loaded.


      From the viewpoint, click Actions action icon, and then Load to navigate to the Viewpoint Load screen. Verify that the History section lists the extract that you ran.