2 Before You Install The Recipe

You must perform the following configuration tasks in order to successfully connect to your database and create the extract for the recipe.

Install and Configure Connectivity Agent

The connectivity agent enables you to connect to an on-premise database.

  1. In Oracle Integration, click Design, and then Agents.
  2. Click Download, and then select Connectivity Agent and save it to your desired location.
  3. Create a new agent group:
    1. Click Create.
    2. In Create Agent Group, enter a name, identifier, and description for the agent, and then click Create.


    You will need to select the agent that you created when you configure your connections to Oracle Enterprise Data Management and your database. See Install and Configure the Recipe.
  4. Download the configuration for the agent.
    1. For the agent that you created, click Actions actions icon and select Download config.

      The InstallerProfile.cfg file is downloaded.

    2. Copy the downloaded InstallerProfile.cfg file to the folder where you saved your connectivity agent in step 2, overwriting the existing file.

Start the Connectivity Agent

After you download and configure the connectivity agent, follow these steps to start it:

  1. Open a command window and navigate to the folder where you downloaded the connectivity agent.
  2. Type the following command: java -jar .\connectivityagent.jar to start the agent.

Create a Database Table for the Extracted Data

Perform the following tasks in your Oracle database to create a table for the enterprise data that you extract from Oracle Enterprise Data Management:

  1. (Optional): Create a new schema for your table.
  2. Run the following script to create a table named EXTRACT_UPLOAD under the schema.
    create table EXTRACT_UPLOAD
        NAME        VARCHAR2(1024),

Create Extract in Oracle Enterprise Data Management


This recipe extracts the Name and Description properties from a list viewpoint. When you create the extract, you can use any list viewpoint in your environment for the extract as long as it contains both properties.

In this recipe, we are using the Cost Center dimension in the Acquired GL (Legacy) application as an example, which is available when you create the sample application (see Creating a Sample Application in Administrating and Working with Enterprise Data Management Cloud ). You do not have to use this application as long as you create the extract against a list viewpoint with the required properties.

To create the extract:

  1. From Oracle Enterprise Data Management, inspect the dimension that you want to create an extract for. In this example, we will use the Cost Center dimension in the Acquired GL (Legacy) application, available in the sample application.


    You will need to enter the application and dimension that you create the extract for in the request body of the EDM DB Extract Sync integration. See Running the EDM DB Extract Sync Integration.
  2. On the Extracts tab, click Create.
  3. On the Create Extract screen, specify the following values:
    Field Information to Enter Example
    Viewpoint The viewpoint to extract data from.


    You will need to enter the view and viewpoint name in the request body of the DB EDM Extract Sync integration. See Running the DB EDM Extract Sync Integration.
    Cost Center
    Name A name for your extract.


    You will need to enter the extract name in the request body of the EDM DB Extract Sync integration. See Running the EDM DB Extract Sync Integration.
    Description (Optional) A description for your extract. Extract to sync cost center with database.
    Extract Type The type of extract. This must be Full. Full
  4. Selecting the properties for the extract:
    1. From the extract inspector, on the Columns tab click Edit.
    2. Click Manage Properties, select Description, and then click OK.


      The Name property is already selected by default.
    3. Click Save.
  5. Promoting the extract to public:
    1. From the dimension inspector, in the Actions column for the extract that you created click Action Action menu, select Promote, and click Yes to confirm.
    2. Click Save.