
When you execute the command using a replay file, EPM Automate runs each row in the replay file in parallel to exert load on the service so that you can perform tests to verify that user experience is acceptable when the service is under load.

  • Identify forms that require major processing on the environment. Forms that deal with large amounts of data, or forms that include complex calculations are good candidates. For example, forms that are used to submit forecast, processes involved in creating ad-hoc and static reports may exert heavy loads on the service. Similarly, activities such as running business rules, running reports, executing resource intensive REST APIs, and EPM Automate commands (for example, runBusiness rule, runDataRule, exportData, exportMetadata, restructureCube) my cause the environment to come under heavy load and can be candidates for load testing.
  • Install Fiddler if necessary. EPM Automate requires an HTTP Archive format (HAR) 1.1 file containing records of Oracle Smart View for Office, Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud REST API, or EPM Automate interaction with the EPM Cloud environment. Generally, you use Fiddler to generate the HAR file that captures the log of your interaction with EPM Cloud.
  • Run the major activities that you identified previously. You use Smart View to run activities such as opening and saving forms, running business rules, and creating reports, and Fiddler to capture activity details and to export them to HAR files. Similarly, run REST APIs and EPM Automate commands and have Fiddler capture the details. See Creating HAR Files for details.
  • Create a replay CSV file that lists the credentials (user names and passwords) and the name of the HAR files to run. Each row in the file may contain the user name and password of a unique user to simulate multiple simultaneous user sessions. See Creating Replay Files for details

    The user whose credentials are specified in a row to run a HAR file need not be the user who ran the session that was used to create the HAR file. However, this user should have the rights to run these activities on the environment.

See A Sample Replay Session for detailed steps to run the replay command.