
Imports data audit records from a ZIP file that you created by exporting audit data from an environment.

You create the import file using the exportAppAudit command (epmautomate exportAppAudit auditData ndays=All). Use this command to clone audit records from one environment to another during migration or cloning for disaster recovery.

Applies to

Planning, Planning Modules, FreeForm, Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management, Strategic Workforce Planning, and Sales Planning.

Required Roles

Service Administrator


epmautomate importAppAudit FILE_NAME [logFilename=LOG_FILE_NAME] where:
  • FILE_NAME is the name of a ZIP file containing data audit records that you want to import into the application. Before running this command, use the uploadFile command to upload this file to the environment.

  • logFileName, optionally, identifies the error log file in which errors encountered during the import will be recorded. If this value is not specified, the command generates an error file which is named using this convention: username_date_timestamp. You can download this file using the downloadFile command.


epmautomate importAppaudit logFileName=auditImportLog