
Imports metadata into the application using the import settings specified in a job of type import metadata. Optionally, you can specify the name of the ZIP file from which metadata is to be imported.

Use the uploadFile command to upload the file containing the metadata to the default upload location.

Applies to

Planning, Planning Modules, FreeForm, Financial Consolidation and Close, Tax Reporting, Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management, Sales Planning, and Strategic Workforce Planning.

Required Roles

Service Administrator


epmautomate importMetadata JOB_NAME [FILE_NAME] where:
  • JOB_NAME is the name of a job defined in the application.
  • FILE_NAME, optionally, identifies the name of the ZIP file from which metadata is to be imported. If specified, the contents of this ZIP file take precedence over the file names defined in the job. The ZIP file may contain one or more CSV files. The file names containing metadata for dimensions should match the import file names defined in the job or end with _DIMENSIONNAME.csv; for example, metadata_Entity.csv, metadata_HSP_Smart Lists.csv, and metadata_Exchange Rates.csv.
  • errorFile, optionally, identifies the name of a ZIP file in which rejected records, if any, during the import operations will be recorded. Identically named ZIP file in the outbox, if any, will be overwritten. You can download this file using the downloadFile command.


  • You cannot rename members by running an import metadata job with a load file in which old_name or unique_name properties are modified. Renaming of members will be ignored.
  • You cannot delete attribute dimensions while importing metadata using this command.
  • Only the metadata for the dimensions for which metadata import is set up in the job is imported. Metadata for other dimensions, if contained in the ZIP file, are ignored.

    An ambiguous import situation is created if both of the following conditions are true for the ZIP file:

    • Zip contains a metadata file with a name that matches the file name defined in the job

    • Zip contains a metadata file or files with names that end in _DIMENSIONNAME.CSV or _DIMENSIONNAME.TXT, where DIMENSIONNAME is the name of the dimension into which metadata is being imported.

Oracle recommends that the ZIP file contains a metadata file with a name identical to that referenced in the job or a file with a name that ends in _DIMENSIONNAME.CSV (or _DIMENSIONNAME.TXT), but not both. For example, if you are loading a job that references the metadata file Employees_A-Z.CSV into the Employees dimension, your ZIP file may include Employees_A-Z.CSV or New_Employees.CSV, but not both. If your ZIP contains Employees_A-Z.CSV and New_Employees.CSV, EPM Automate may select either file for import depending on the order of the files in ZIP. Employees_A-Z.CSV file is a possible match for import because its name matches the file name referenced in the job; New_Employees.CSV is also a possible match because its name matches the _DIMENSIONNAME.CSV pattern.


epmautomate importMetadata importAccount